Directory of Irish Studies in Poland
27 July 2018
In recent years there has been a phenomenal growth in the interest and study of Ireland, its language, culture, history, politics and economy in Poland.
The Irish language is taught at three Polish universities - in Lublin, Poznan and Szczecin. Ireland's rich literary tradition is the subject of the highest quality scholarly works and literary translation. Polish historians are making an important contribution to the study of Ireland's history, with its many similarities to the history of Poland, and to the historical connections between our two countries.
The Directory of Irish Studies, produced by the Embassy, brings together for the first time a comprehensive listing of the academics and universities working in Irish Studies.
The Directory will serve as a useful resource for scholars to build relationships, as well as to raise visibility of the breadth and depths of their academic work.
The Embassy greatly values the work of Polish academics and universities in promoting the study and appreciation of Ireland's culture, politics, society and economy, and in bringing them to new audiences in Poland. We work closely with a number of universities, provide assistance in bringing writers, poets and artists from Ireland to Poland, and support to those who share an interest in our culture.
Requests for copies of the Directory of Irish Studies can be sent to the Embassy here.