NYC World Pride 2019
30 June 2019
The Irish Pride contingent, led by Minister Katherine Zappone, marching past the historic Stonewall Inn.
The Consulate General of Ireland was proud to participate in NYC Pride for the 2nd time on Sunday with a contingent of over 350 marchers of all ages, orientations, and backgrounds and led by Irish Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Katherine Zappone. Thousands marched and millions more lined the streets as record-breaking crowds came to honor the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising and the first ever World Pride held in the United States.
Photo by Gabriele Holtermann-Gorden
The Consulate, together with the Irish LGBTI+ group the Lavender and Green Alliance, which has flown the Irish flag in the March since 1994, brought together many other Irish businesses, sporting, cultural and heritage organizations, to celebrate the diversity of the Global Irish Family and march behind the “Amach le Chéile – Out Together” banner. With electrifying music lined up by renowned Irish DJ Fiona Walsh, the Irish Pride float had spectators dancing and cheering along the entire parade route.
The evening before the March, Minister Zappone attended a screening of The 34th - a film that chronicles the road to marriage equality in Ireland - at the Irish Arts Center where she participated in a Q&A discussion with author Yvonne Cassidy. Minister Zappone was also presented with the Global Luminaries Award by Heritage of Pride, the organisers of NY Pride. Heritage of Pride selected Ireland as the first country to ever receive this award to acknowledge that the citizens of Ireland are supporters of the LGBTI+ community, and to encourage citizens of other countries to “follow Ireland’s lead on advocating for Social Justice.” Minister Zappone was accompanied by three young people who were part of the Youth Advisory Group during the development of Ireland’s LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy.
Press release from Minister Zappone’s office is below: