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St Patrick’s Day 2014 - #IrelandInspires

This year, our St. Patrick’s Day ‘Promote Ireland’ programme of international activity will see 27 Ministers taking part in over 100 business events and 80 high-level political meetings in 35 cities across 23 countries.

Our Department coordinates the international communication of consistent messages on Ireland’s progress and strengths across sectors in each market, working closely with Enterprise Ireland, IDA, Tourism Ireland and all the State agencies.

In 2013, these coordinated efforts directly reached over 200,000 people at public diplomacy events hosted or addressed by members of the Government or the Embassy network. Trade and investment were promoted at 101 additional specific business events, attended by over 8,500 Irish and international company representatives.

St Patrick’s Day also sees intensive tourism promotion efforts led by Tourism Ireland overseas. The promotional value of these efforts, including the Global Greening initiative, supported by our Embassy network is equivalent to over €10 million in paid media buys.

This video was developed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Fáilte Ireland in coordination with the State agencies. It will be shown at events organised by the Embassy network around the world over the St Patrick’s Day season and promoted by the Embassy network and the State agencies on social media globally.