Irish Artist Conan Dynes Exhibition Opening this Thursday
07 July 2017
Chicken or the egg?
An Irish comedian tells the joke where he is standing watching the London marathon and a runner, dressed up like a chicken, runs past him. 2 minutes later another runner, dressed up as an egg, runs past. He thinks to himself ‘this is going to be interesting.’
Vienna is a city of signs.
Some street signs catalogue the geography of the city. The number on the street sign identifies the district. An older colour-coded sign subtly imparts its owning Bezirk, red on white is the 1st. Others are historical, signifying a spot in Vienna’s past; a plaque commemorating a place where a composer lived, a black sign on another building registers the history of a bombing and rebuilding, the poignant brass tiles on the ground document a lost population of Vienna. Some street names allow a glimpse of their past use. Salztorgasse - a gate no longer in a wall which is itself long gone. The name of a building - Karl-Marx-Hof remembers the will of the builders. Its name was changed, altering the story for a period. It was renamed back. Vienna is defined by all of this. A narrative of signs which informs, lying side by side, bordering, covered, covering, sharing, and disrupting, defining the current city and moving on.
A new solo exhibition titled “Chicken or the egg?” by Irish Artist Conan Dynes opens this Thursday, 7 September at 19:00, Stern Studio Gallery, Mayergasse 7/2, 1020 Vienna.