Virtual Halloween Event with Embassy of Ireland, Canada
30 October 2020
Halloween panel featuring (L-R) NY Deputy Consul General Eimear Friel; Laura Finlay from the Embassy of Ireland in Canada; Dr. Julie LeBlanc; Dr. Chantal Kobel; Dr. Kelly Fitzgerald; and Gina Costigan.
On October 27, the Consulate General of Ireland, New York partnered with our colleagues at the Embassy of Ireland in Canada for a special presentation on 'The Evolution of Halloween: Transatlantic Influences & Shaping Traditions.'
Featuring a panel of experts in Irish Folklore, Ethnography and Celtic Studies, the evening examined the origins of Samhain and its evolution across time and distance to the holiday we celebate today. Videos from the National Museum of Ireland and Tourism Ireland helped bring the time-honoured traditions of wearing masks and carving pumpkings (and turnips!) to ward off evil spririts, as well as the harvest feasts, games, and tricks that are associated with the season.
Following a virtual Q&A with those who tuned in, New York-based acress Gina Costigan closed the event with a special recitation of 'Echtrae Nerai,' an original Halloween story preserved in Irish legend through the centuries!
With many thanks to all who took part in this virutal journey, the Consulate and Embassy were deligted to provide a chance to celebrate Hallowe'en with friends in Ireland, Canada and the US! For those interested in learning more about Samhain or explore the resources featured in the presentation, visit the National Folklore Collection at, the RTÉ News Archives, and the excellent Halloween material compiled by the National Museum of Ireland and Tourism Ireland!