Nominations for the 2019 Presidential Distinguished Service Award open until April 3
28 February 2019
The Presidential Distinguished Service Award was established as a means to recognise the contribution of members of the Irish diaspora and the first awards were made in 2012. Nominations are made by Irish communities abroad through Ireland’s network of Diplomatic Missions.
In order to be eligible for consideration, nominees must be habitually resident outside the island of Ireland and are required to satisfy one of the following additional requirements:
1. have rendered distinguished service to the nation and/or its reputation abroad;
2. have actively and demonstrably contributed to Ireland and/or its international reputation and/or Irish communities abroad in at least one of the listed categories;
3. have a track record of sustained support and engagement with Ireland and/or its international reputation and/or Irish communities abroad over a period of not less than 5 years; or
4. have made a sustained and distinguished service to Ireland on a global or international issue of importance.
Nominations should be submitted through the Embassy of Ireland in the country of residence of the nominee before Wednesday, 3rd April 2019.