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Current passport turnaround information

All turnaround times are the same regardless of the country of residence of the applicant.

Turnaround times do not include postage delivery times.

Turnaround times for applications which require supporting documents begin from the date the Passport Service receives the supporting documents.

If you have submitted your documents and the Passport Service needs to request further supporting documents turnaround time can take longer.

Application type

Current average turnaround time

Simple Adult Renewal

10 Working Days

Complex Adult Renewal

15 Working Days

Child Renewal

15 Working Days

First Time Online Application (Adult and Child)

20 Working Days

Passport Card Application

3-5 Working Days

Post Passport (paper) Application

8 weeks

The application types are explained below.

Passport Online

Passport Online is the quickest way to get an Irish passport.

Passport Online is the fastest way to apply for your or your child’s passport or passport card, from anywhere in the world, on a smartphone, tablet or personal computer.

Passport Online remains our priority service as it facilitates us to process your passport application more efficiently. This secure and convenient service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Applications will be processed within the current processing times. If you need to submit documents by post, the processing time will only start when we receive them. Once we receive your documents, you can use our Passport Tracker to get updates on your application’s current status.

Most applications have 5 steps as outlined below.

(1) Application received

We have received your Passport Online application. If supporting documents are required, we cannot process the application until you send us the required supporting documents by post.

(2) Alert

We have received your application. You must submit your supporting documents to proceed with the application.

(3) Processing application

We have received your supporting documents. We are now verifying these documents.

(4) Processing application

Your application is being processed.

(5) Printing

Your passport book is being printed. Any documents submitted will be returned separately.

First-time applicants

First-time applications are the most complex as all documents need to be verified. You should not book travel until you have received a passport as these applications cannot be expedited.

You need to submit extra documentation and for children, the consent of all guardians has to be verified.

Complex renewals/Child renewals

This is when you are renewing a passport and you are required to submit extra documentation or you are changing the information on your passport.

For example, changing your name or notifying us about a lost or stolen passport. 

All applications for children are considered complex renewals. This is because the consent of all guardians has to be verified.

Postage time is not included in the average turnaround time. Postage will be longer for applicants outside of Ireland.

Simple adult renewal

This is where you are an adult who needs to renew your Irish passport. We normally do not require any supporting documents for these applications.

Post Passport (paper) applications

Paper-based applications will take significantly longer than Passport Online. You should use Passport Online if you have travel plans within the next 3 months.

The current estimated turnaround time for paper applications is 8 weeks but this is not a service guarantee and you should not book flights until you have your passport.

Once you have made a paper-based application, it cannot normally be expedited and we cannot return your supporting documents to you before the application is complete.

If you are submitting a paper-based application through an Embassy or Consulate abroad, please see the Embassy or Consulate website for further guidance.

See how to apply via the Post Passport Service service in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

Three post offices in Great Britain currently offer a paper-based passport postal service.

Applicants applying via paper-based applications are strongly advised not to book flights until they have their passport.