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All-Island Civic Dialogue on Brexit

Since our last plenary session in April 2018, the Government has stepped up its preparations for Brexit. While ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement is still the Government’s preferred outcome, we continue to prepare for the
possibility that the UK fails to agree a deal for its departure from the EU on 29 March 2019, both domestically and as part of the EU.

We are all deeply aware of the potentially profound political, economic and trade impacts of a no deal Brexit. The Government is taking very clear steps to mitigate these impacts.

This plenary session will provide participants with an update on the preparations that have taken place. We hope that it will provide some clarity to citizens and businesses on the work that has been done and the supports that are in place.

We hope that you find this event both useful and informative. As this process continues, it is important that all views on the issues are heard.

Download the All-Island Civic Dialogue Programme (PDF)

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