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Trade mission to South Africa and Nigeria

Sentinel Fuel Products contract signing Cape Town

New contracts secured totalling over €7million

As part of our Africa Strategy, we work to increase two-way trade and investment between Ireland and countries in Africa

In November 2013, Irish companies on an Enterprise Ireland trade mission to South Africa and Nigeria, led by Minister for Trade and Development, Joe Costello, secured new contracts totalling over €7m and agreed significant business alliances. 

These deals underline the growing opportunities for Irish companies in the developing sub-Saharan Africa region.

The five-day trade mission involved 37 Irish companies including Mayo-based company, Sentinel Fuel Products, Wexford company, Chevron Training & Recruitment and Kerry Group, as well as, Trinity College Dublin. It was organised by Enterprise Ireland in close cooperation with our Department and our Embassies in Pretoria and Abuja.

South Africa is the economic hub and gateway for access to Sub-Saharan Africa – a market of over 900 million people.

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and with a GDP rate of 7% per annum is an important emerging market in West Africa.

Speaking in Lagos Minister Costello said:

“This was a highly successful mission both in terms of business secured and introductions and connections made.  It is truly encouraging to see Irish companies continuing to win new business in South Africa, and deeply satisfying to watch Enterprise Ireland working with innovative Irish companies to help them break into developing markets like Nigeria.

“My Department, the Embassy network and the State Agencies are working closely together to ensure that Irish exports to these increasingly important markets continue to grow – sustaining and creating jobs in Ireland”.