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Review of Ireland’s Foreign Policy and External Relations

Irish flag, UN

We are conducting a review of Ireland’s foreign policy and external relations

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is conducting a review of Ireland’s Foreign Policy and External Relations. The review takes place against the background of a rapidly changing global environment which affects how Ireland pursues our goals.

Our foreign policy is a statement of who we are as a people.  It is the means by which we promote our values and pursue our interests abroad.  Through it, we pursue economic prosperity and promote peace and security in Ireland and the wider world.

As the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade explains, ‘Ireland’s embassies and other diplomatic and consular offices in Europe and around the world are working hard to realise our goals - supporting Irish business, encouraging investment and tourism, providing services to our citizens, implementing our International Development policy and standing up for our interests and our values.

This is the day-to-day work of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The Government is committed to ensuring the maximum benefit from the resources we commit to our international engagement and that Ireland maintains a position of influence and respect in the global community.

A rapidly changing global environment requires that we be flexible and adaptable. The review is designed to ensure we have the right mix of policies and instruments to promote our values and interests abroad.

It is an opportunity to reflect on how we can continue to serve the interests of the Irish people, contributing to their security, prosperity and well being, and the promotion of our values, through an active international engagement.

The public have been invited to submit their views on what our foreign policy priorities and goals should be. More information about the review is downloadable here