The Global Irish Civic Forum
20 July 2017
The second Global Irish Civic Forum took place on 4-5 May 2017 in Dublin Castle, with the theme "Communities, Connections, Conversations". As was the case with the first Global Irish Civic Forum, held in 2015, Irish community leaders from around the world, drawn from emigrant and diaspora communities, came together in Dublin to discuss the challenges facing the Irish abroad. Over 220 attendees from 16 countries, representing more than 150 organisations dedicated to supporting Irish communities around the world participated in the Forum.
The event provided a means for face-to-face connections between those facing similar challenges in their own communities and was also an opportunity for shared learning and dialogue between these groups and the Government. The Forum is part of the comprehensive approach of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, led by its Irish Abroad Unit, to working with the Irish abroad and engaging the diaspora under the five pillars set out in Global Irish: Ireland's Diaspora Policy -supporting the diaspora, connecting with the diaspora, facilitating diaspora engagement, recognising the diaspora, and evolving diaspora policy