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Application type: First time adult (18+) applicant born on the island of Ireland

I am an adult applying for my first Irish passport, I was born on the island of Ireland.

Passport Online is the fastest way to apply for your passport.

If you were born on the island of Ireland and are now resident in Ireland, please submit the following original documents. These will be returned to you.

  • Identity verification form.
  • Full original civil birth certificate (version that includes the name(s) of the parent(s)).
  • Original Civil marriage or Civil Partnership certificate (if applying for a passport in your married name).
  • Proof of address such as Government correspondence such as a letter from the Department of Social Protection or the Revenue Commissioners. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered.
  • Proof of name such as  Government correspondence such as a letter from the Department of Social Protection or the Revenue Commissioners. If you do not have these,  original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered.
  • You must submit one document as proof of name and one document as proof of address. It cannot be the same document.
  • Photographic identification
    • The Public Services Card is the most efficient way for you to verify your identify. This ensures that your application can be processed quickly. We only need a photocopy of your PSC card.
    • If you do not have a Public Services Card, you must submit an original government issued photographic identification. This could be an original passport from another country or a certified copy of your driver’s licence (certified by a solicitor or notary public).
    • If you do not have any suitable documents, you will have to arrange an interview with staff at our Passport Office in Dublin or Cork. Contact us to arrange this.

If you were born on the island of Ireland and are now resident in Northern Ireland, please submit the following original documents. These will be returned to you.

  • Identity verification form.
  • Full original civil birth certificate (version that includes the name(s) of the parent(s)).
  • Original Civil marriage or Civil Partnership certificate (if applying for a passport in your married name).
  • Proof of address such as government correspondence such as letter from the NHS, Social Welfare or HM Revenue and Customs. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered.
  • Proof of name such as government correspondence such as letter from the NHS, Social Welfare or HM Revenue and Customs. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered
  • You must submit one document as proof of name and one document as proof of address. It cannot be the same document.
  • Photographic identification
    • You must submit an original government issued photographic identification. This could be an original passport from another country or a certified copy of  your driver’s licence (certified by a solicitor or notary public).

If you were born on the island of Ireland and are now resident overseas, please submit the following original documents. These will be returned to you.

  • Identity verification form.
  • Full original civil birth certificate (version that includes the name(s) of the parent(s)).
  • Original Civil marriage or Civil Partnership certificate (if applying for a passport in your married name).
  • Proof of address such as government correspondence such as letter from the local government health services, local social welfare services or other local government services. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered. These must be accompanied by a translation into English or Irish
  • Proof of name such as government correspondence such as letter from the local government health services, local social welfare services or other local government services. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered. These must be accompanied by a translation into English or Irish
  • You must submit one document as proof of name and one document as proof of address. It cannot be the same document.
  • Photographic identification
    • You must submit an original government issued photographic identification. This could be an original passport from another country or a certified copy of your driver’s licence (certified by a solicitor or notary public).

Apply online

Track your passport

I am applying for my first Irish passport, I was born on the island of Ireland and adopted by an Irish citizen

Passport Online is the fastest way to apply for your passport.

If you were born on the island of Ireland, were adopted by an Irish citizen and are now resident in Ireland, please submit the following original documents. These will be returned to you.

  • Identity verification form.
  • Your adoption certificate
  • Original Civil marriage or Civil Partnership certificate (if applying for a passport in your married name).
  • Proof of address such as Government correspondence such as a letter from the Department of Social Protection or the Revenue Commissioners. If you do not have these,  original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered.
  • Proof of name such as Government correspondence such as a letter from the Department of Social Protection or the Revenue Commissioners. If you do not have these, original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered.
  • You must submit one document as proof of name and one document as proof of address. It cannot be the same document.
  • Photographic identification (PSC)
  • You must submit an original government issued photographic identification.
    • The Public Services Card is the most efficient way for you to verify your identify. This ensures that your application can be processed quickly. We only need a photocopy of your PSC card.
    • If you do not have a Public Services Card, you must submit an original government issued photographic identification. This could be an original passport from another country or a certified copy of your driver’s licence (certified by a solicitor or notary public).
    • If you do not have any suitable documents, you will have to arrange an interview with staff at our Passport Office in Dublin or Cork. Contact us to arrange this.

If you were born on the island of Ireland, were adopted by an Irish citizen and are now resident in Northern Ireland or overseas, please submit the following original documents. These will be returned to you.

  • Your adoption certificate
  • Original Civil marriage or Civil Partnership certificate (if applying for a passport in your married name).
  • Proof of address such as government correspondence like a letter from the NHS, Social Welfare or HM Revenue and Customs. If you do not have these,  original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered.
  • Proof of name such as government correspondence like a letter from the NHS, Social Welfare or HM Revenue and Customs. If you do not have these,  original utility bills, or bank statements can be considered.
  • You must submit one document as proof of name and one document as proof of address. It cannot be the same document.
  • Photographic identification
    • You must submit an original government issued photographic identification. This could be an original passport from another country or a certified copy of  your driver’s licence (certified by a solicitor or notary public) or a passport from another country.

Apply online

Track your passport

I had an Irish passport as a child

  • If your previous passport was issued within the last 15 years, you can apply as an adult renewal.
  • If your previous passport was issued more than 15 years ago, you must apply as a first time applicant.