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ID2015: Irish Embassy Network facilitated over 100 Irish Design 2015 events last year

Minister Flanagan presents the report to Karen Hennessy of Irish Design 2015.

Minister Flanagan presents the report to Karen Hennessy of Irish Design 2015

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has published a report highlighting Irish Design 2015 activities that took place around the world last year.

Irish Design 2015 (ID2015) was a year-long celebration of Irish design with events and initiatives taking place in Ireland and around the world. As well as raising the profile and building on the international reputation of Irish design, the programme increased awareness of the value of design in all aspects of life. It encouraged links between local and global Irish designers, and highlighted the importance of design to success in business and as a driver of economic growth.

ID2015 emerged as an idea from the Global Irish Economic Forum, convened by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in 2013. ID2015 focussed on transforming the design sector, creating jobs, increasing design based exports and engaging with an audience of over three million people at home and abroad.

Over 100 ID2015 events and activities took place overseas with the support of the Embassy network, including some 30 events within Ireland’s Embassies.

The year-long programme of over 600 events and activities showcased over 2,000 designers at home and abroad to more than 1.4 million people. Outside of Ireland, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Embassy network actively supported ID2015 by supporting showcase events in key design capitals and hosting networking events and trade missions to promote Irish design and to facilitate the development of relationships between buyers, designers and industry representatives. A wide range of disciplines were encompassed by the initiative, including animation, architecture, craft, engineering, fashion, furniture, graphic design, medical and jewellery. In total, over 100 ID2015 events and activities took place overseas with the support of the Embassy network, including some 30 events within Ireland’s Embassies.

Find out more...

View the summary report of the ID2015 events and activities that took place across Ireland’s Embassy Network last year.