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Guest lecture by Michael O’Boyle, former Deputy Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights

European Court of Human Rights

The European Convention on Human Rights and states of emergency

‌Guest lecture by Michael O’Boyle, former Deputy Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights, entitled “The European Convention on Human Rights and states of emergency.”

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in partnership with the Human Rights Committee of the Law Society, has organised a guest lecture by Michael O’Boyle, former Deputy Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights, entitled “The European Convention on Human Rights and states of emergency.”

The lecture will take place in the President’s Hall of the Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7 at 6pm on 15 March 2016 and will be chaired by Mr Justice Hedigan, judge of the High Court and former judge of the European Court of Human Rights.

The event is open to all, subject to registration

The lecture will last for approximately one hour including an opportunity for a question and answer session following the conclusion of the lecture.

The event is open to all, subject to registration, and persons interested in attending should register directly with the Law Society of Ireland.

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