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Berkeley Tragedy

In order to assist those who may have been affected by the tragic incident in Berkeley, California, the following information and contact points may be helpful.

Berkeley – California

For those in the immediate vicinity of Berkeley California:

J1 Counselling & Drop-in Centre
Available from 2pm-10pm
First Presbyterian Church
2407 Dana Street (use Channing St. entrance)
Room G202, 2nd Floor, Geneva Hall

Incident response centre
Police & Fire Service HQ
The Public Safety Building
2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Telephone: +1 415 816 0887

For others based in the US

The Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers

The Coalition of Irish Immigration Centers is the umbrella group under which fifteen (15) Irish Immigration Centers operate in cities across America. The centres provide practical assistance and support to Irish citizens in the US and are supported by the Irish Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade’s Emigrant Support Programme.

The appropriate centre to contact depends upon your location in the US.

For those based in Ireland, the following contact details may be of assistance

Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade +353-1-408 2000
USIT - helpline +353-1-602 1630
SAYIT – helpline +353-1-4279190

For those who may be considering flying to the US at this time and who may need ESTA clearance, we would draw your attention to the official ESTA portal. Please beware of other unofficial sites purporting to provide ESTAs.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade strongly recommends all citizens to take out adequate travel insurance prior to travelling and encourages all citizens to register their details on the citizens’ registration site.