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Minister of State Helen McEntee T.D. launches Report on the Citizens' Dialogues on future of Europe

Minister of State Helen McEntee T.D. launches Report on the Citizens' Dialogues on future of Europe

Minister of State for European Affairs, Helen McEntee, T.D., launched a Report on the Citizens' Dialogues on the future of Europe this afternoon, Friday, 12 October 2018.

She was joined at the launch by Gernot Blümel, the Austrian Federal Minister for the EU, Arts, Culture and Media.

Minister of State McEntee said:

"I am very pleased that my colleague, the Austrian Federal Minister for the European Union, Gernot Blümel could join me for the launch of our report on the Citizens' Dialogues on the future of Europe. I am delighted to have the opportunity to share our citizens' insights, not just with the EU Presidency, but with a close partner in the EU.

All across Europe, Governments are looking to their citizens for guidance on the future direction of our Union. In Ireland, our starting point has been to focus on the needs and concerns of our citizens. We launched the Citizens' Dialogues to find out their views, opinions and insights about the European Union.

The dialogues have been marked by a very high level engagement, and a real focus on the future. They will help to inform Ireland's contribution to the wider future of Europe debate.

Today's report captures a wide variety of views and ideas expressed in the Citizens' Dialogues across the country."

Report on the Citizens Dialogues on the future of Europe

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