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Human Rights Council 36th Session (11-29 September 2017)

Item 2 – General Debate on the Oral Update of the High Commissioner

Statement of Ireland

12 September 2017

Ireland aligns with the statement of the European Union. 

High Commissioner

Mr President,

Ireland thanks and applauds the High Commissioner for his powerful and direct update to the Council yesterday.  He continues to demonstrate unwavering personal commitment to his role, leading the efforts of the OHCHR by determined example.

The update reminds us of the scale of the global challenge we collectively face, in promoting and protecting human rights.

Further, it is clear that the governments we represent – whether as Members or Observers of the Human Rights Council - have critically important responsibilities to uphold fundamental human rights principles.

In particular, it has never been more important to act clearly and effectively to support those who protect and promote human rights.  Ireland welcomes the strong emphasis in the High Commissioner’s statement on the vital role of civil society and especially human rights defenders. We must make it a priority to ensure that those who are to the forefront in combatting human rights abuses are offered our protection and support.

In conclusion, allow me to convey Ireland’s sincere thanks to the High Commissioner.

Ireland remains a strong supporter of the mandate and independence of your Office, and we call on all parties to engage and cooperate with you as you seek to fulfil your responsibilities to the global community of citizens which we all represent.

Thank you