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Human Rights Council 36th Session (11-29 September 2017)

Interactive Dialogue with the International Independent Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar

Statement of Ireland

19 September 2017

Ireland aligns itself with the statement delivered by the European Union.

Mr President,

Ireland would like to thank Mr. Marzuki Darusman for the update given on behalf of the International Independent Fact Finding Mission on Myanmar. We are pleased to have this opportunity to contribute to this interactive dialogue.

Ireland condemns the attacks on 25 August by militants and the subsequent violence which has taken place in Rakhine State. We are deeply concerned by the reports of excesses during the security operations conducted by Myanmar's security forces, leading to a massive flow of refugees, and call on security forces to exercise restraint and to protect civilians.

There is an urgent need for a de-escalation of tensions and for full observance of international human rights law. It is also critical that access to humanitarian aid and media personnel is fully restored in this region.

We welcome the recommendations of the recently-published final report of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State. We urge the Government of Myanmar to begin implementing these recommendations as soon as possible. Addressing the underlying causes will provide the foundation for lasting peace and socio-economic development for all the communities of Rakhine State.

An impartial, independent investigation into recent events in Rakhine State must be carried out. The Fact-Minding Mission is particularly important in this context. We call on the Government of Myanmar to cooperate fully with the Fact-Finding Mission, and stress the need for the Fact-Finding Mission to be granted access to all areas and interlocutors.

Ireland supports the democratic transition which is currently underway in Myanmar/Burma following elections in November 2015. We recognise the positive steps that the new Government of Myanmar/Burma has taken in pursuit of peace and reconciliation, democratic reforms and economic growth.

Ireland would be grateful if the Chair could share his views on how the Fact Finding Mission is perceived by the authorities in Myanmar.

Thank you