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Human Rights Council 36th Session (11-29 September 2017)

Interactive Dialogue with the HC- Oral Update on Libya

Statement by Ireland

27 September 2017

Thank you Mr. President.

Ireland wishes to align itself with the statement of the European Union, and thanks the High Commissioner for his briefing.

We commend the work of UN Special Representative, Mr. Ghassan Salamé, and welcome his Action Plan for Libya. We reiterate our strong support for his efforts towards an inclusive, Libyan-led political solution.

Mr. President,

Ireland expresses its deep concern at the grave and deteriorating human rights situation in Libya. In the vacuum of state authority, armed groups have been responsible for systematic violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.

We are especially concerned about the ill-treatment experienced by migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons, in particular in detention camps, where conditions are reported to be appalling.

Ireland regrets that further restrictions have been imposed on local and international civil society organisations, and that human rights defenders have become a particular target for armed groups. We would like to highlight the crucial role to be played by civil society in a Libyan-owned transition.

Ireland urges the Government of National Accord to engage meaningfully with the many stakeholders in Libya in order to improve the human rights situation. We are willing to support the Government in its efforts.

Mr. President,

Six years after the Libyan people expressed their hopes for greater freedom and security, the human rights situation on the ground remains worrying. Ireland remains committed to helping Libya address these challenges, so that Libyans may enjoy peace and stability in their country.


Thank you.