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Human Rights Council 37th Session (26 February – 23 March 2018)

Item 2 – General Debate

Statement of Ireland

21 March 2018

Ireland aligns with the statement of the European Union and adds the following.

Mr Vice President,

Ireland welcomes all reports of the High Commissioner and the Secretary General under this item as valuable contributions to the work of the Human Rights Council. Due to time limitations, we will focus our remarks on Sri Lanka and Colombia.

Regarding Sri Lanka, Ireland welcomes progress in relation to cooperation and constructive engagement with the OHCHR and the UN human rights mechanisms. However, Ireland again expresses its disappointment at the slow pace of change since Sri Lanka’s co-sponsorship of resolution 30/1.

We note progress in certain areas including the creation of the Office of Missing Persons and we urge the authorities to continue working towards its operationalization and to ensure that it is independent and adequately resourced. We further urge the Government of Sri Lanka to persevere and fulfil its pledges concerning the creation of an accountability mechanism with an international component. The importance of this mechanism for reconciliation cannot be overstated.

On Colombia, Ireland commends the important work of the Colombia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in monitoring the human rights impact of the implementation of the Peace Agreement. As we have previously stated, peacebuilding and the enjoyment of human rights are mutually reinforcing and form a virtuous circle which will help to address legacies of impunity and violence. While Ireland welcomes the progress in building peace in Colombia, we are gravely concerned by the increase in cases of killings of human rights defenders. Ireland condemns in the strongest terms all threats against, and intimidation of, human rights defenders. Recognising the efforts of the State to reduce these attacks, we urge the authorities to ensure that the perpetrators of threats and attacks are brought to justice.

Thank you.