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Human Rights Council 37th Session (26 February – 23 March 2018)

Item 10 – General Debate

Statement of Ireland

22 March 2018

Ireland aligns with the statement of the European Union and adds the following.

Mr President,

We thank the OHCHR for its comprehensive reports under this agenda item, some of which we have addressed during interactive dialogues earlier this session. Once again, these reports demonstrate the Office’s expertise in this area, and the vital importance of this aspect of its work in a number of specific national contexts.

Ireland believes that the provision of technical assistance and capacity-building is a fundamentally important tool used by the OHCHR to support the fulfilment of its mandate to promote and protect human rights. It facilitates the sharing of best practices, whilst recognising that each situation is unique and that there is no ‘one size fits all’ model.

We thank the High Commissioner for his oral presentation on the overview of successes, best practices and challenges in technical assistance and capacity-building efforts. The OHCHR provides invaluable assistance to governments in implementing international human rights standards on the ground, including in the areas of administration of justice, legislative reform, and electoral process. Equally, we warmly welcome the Office’s ongoing work in support of civil society at the national level.

We emphasise the need for a collaborative approach to identifying and responding to human rights challenges, in which governments, civil society and the UN system all play a part. In this spirit, Ireland calls on all States to cooperate fully and engage in constructive dialogue with the OHCHR and the mechanisms of this Council.

Thank you.