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Human Rights Council 37th Session (26 February – 23 March 2018)

Item 2 – Report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights:

Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner

Statement of Ireland

08 March 2017

Ireland aligns with the statement of the European Union.

High Commissioner,

Mr. President,

Ireland thanks and applauds you for your comprehensive and candid update to the Council yesterday.  You presented clearly the scale of the global challenge we currently face in promoting and protecting human rights.

Many of the issues which you highlighted were priorities for Ireland as a member of the Council and remain priorities for us as Observers.  These include the vital role of civil society;  human rights defenders;  and the ongoing use of the death penalty.

We particularly welcome your strong and encouraging words in support of civil society.  Quite simply, we cannot succeed in protecting and promoting human rights or achieve the Sustainable Development Goals unless civil society can play its essential role.  This year, working on civil society space will be a particular priority for Ireland at the Council.

We recognise the responsibility, both inside and beyond this Chamber, to seek to provide a meaningful response to human rights concerns and violations.  In this, the reports from your Office are an invaluable resource to inform debates and decision making.  We pay tribute to the thorough and professional work of the Office in preparing these reports and re-state Ireland’s unwavering commitment to a strong and independent OHCHR.

We call on all parties to engage and cooperate with you and your Office as you seek to fulfil your mandate.

High Commissioner –

Given the threats to human rights norms which you have highlighted, can you elaborate further on plans to work with UN Member States in this anniversary year to improve communication of and public and youth engagement with fundamental human rights values as articulated in the Universal Declaration?

Thank you.