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Human Rights Council 37th Session (26 February – 23 March 2018)

Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Privacy and the Special Rapporteur on the Sale on Children

6 March 2018

Statement of Ireland

Ireland aligns itself with the statement of the EU and wishes to add the following.

Mr President,

Ireland welcomes the reports of both the Special Rapporteurs and thanks both for their presentations.

We shall direct our comments today towards the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children:

Ireland is strongly committed to tackling serious violations of child welfare in the form of sexual abuse, exploitation and the sale of children and welcomes this opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, in advance of her visit to Ireland.

In line with the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur, Ireland is determined to put in place all the necessary legislative and service measures to tackle the specific issues of sexual exploitation and the sale of children. Ireland is currently preparing to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Lanzarote Convention on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.

In addition, in October 2017 the Irish Government approved the drafting of legislation on assisted human reproduction (AHR) which will regulate a range of practices, including surrogacy, and outline the conditions under which it will be permitted in Ireland.  The primary consideration underpinning this legislation will be the welfare and best interests of children born through AHR.

Madame Special Rapporteur,

How can countries be encouraged to prioritise consideration for the welfare and best interests of children in their legislative and administrative systems?

Thank you