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Human Rights Council 37th session (26 February – 23 March 2018)

Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Mr. Ahmed Shaheed

Intervention by Ireland

2 March 2017 

Ireland aligns itself with the statement of the European Union.  

Madam Vice President,

Ireland wishes to thank the Special Rapporteur for the work he has carried out since taking up his appointment and assures him of Ireland’s continuing support for his mandate.  We welcome the fact that he undertook country visits in 2017 to Albania and Uzbekistan. 

We also wish to thank the Special Rapporteur for his most recent report which provides a valuable perspective on the impact of state-religion relationships upon the exercise of freedom of religion or belief.   We welcome his recommendation that “States’ legal framework must be aligned with the guarantees of freedom of religion or belief specified in international human rights law as a universal human right.” Ireland also welcomes the emphasis placed by the Special Rapporteur on States’ duty to fulfil the role of impartial guarantors of the enjoyment of freedom of religion or belief, both individuals and groups.

Ireland is deeply concerned at the continued discrimination, persecution, intimidation and violence that is endured by religious minorities in various parts of the world. Migrants and refugees are particularly vulnerable in this regard and, as such, Ireland is pleased that the Special Rapporteur has highlighted, in his report, the onus on states to provide protection to migrants and refugees regardless of their religion or belief.

What can be done to hold states to account for violations of the rights of minority religious communities, including those of Christian, Muslim and Baha’I faiths who continue to be disproportionately affected by violence, discrimination and harassment?

Thank you.