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Human Rights Council 37th Session (26 February – 23 March)

Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the issue of human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment and the Special Rapporteur on the right to food

Intervention of Ireland

5 March 2018

Ireland aligns itself with the statement delivered on behalf of the European Union and adds the following.


Mr Vice President,

Ireland wishes to express its thanks for the reports from the both the Special Representative on the right to food and the Special Representative on environmental rights.

We shall direct our comments today towards the Special Rapporteur on the right to food.

With hunger ingrained in Irish history, the right to food is a priority for the Irish government and people.

Special Rapporteur Elver’s report outlines how natural disasters, driven by climate and environmental stress, directly harm the most vulnerable. Last year over 20 million people were threatened by famine in just four countries. Effective early warning and scaled-up humanitarian response, including from Ireland, kept famine at bay. Yet all four countries remain food insecure today.

Disasters- and hunger- don’t just strike poor countries, but increasingly wealthier countries too.

Conflict is a major driver of hunger. However climate change exacerbates these crises for the poor, and makes recovery harder. 

Ireland is committed to the Grand Bargain, and UN humanitarian reforms. Greater urgency in climate action is also needed. The most vulnerable need support to adapt, and build back better after disasters. That is why Ireland prioritises climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness in the poorest countries.

Women’s unique roles in society also mean we must focus on their resilience.  

Ms Special Rapporteur, Ireland is committed to our responsibilities to meet human need. In the long term, building resilience for the poorest, and bridging the humanitarian development nexus, is vital in ensuring the right to food.


Thank you.