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Human Rights Council 37th session (26 February – 23 March 2018)

Item 4 - Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on Eritrea

Statement by Ireland

12 March 2018

Ireland fully aligns itself to the statement of the EU.

We remain concerned by the human rights situation in Eritrea and strongly urge the Eritrean authorities to take action, in particular in the areas highlighted by the Special Rapporteur, the former Commission of Inquiry, and other human rights bodies.

We welcome and encourage renewed engagement by Eritrea with the international community; however, we reiterate our call on the Government of Eritrea to enact the political and legal reforms required to end human rights violations, end impunity, and ensure accountability for past violations.

Young men and women continue risking their lives to flee from Eritrea. Our international response to displacement, human trafficking and smuggling from Eritrea cannot be institutionally detached from the political and economic context which has created conditions leading to flight.

We stress, therefore, that cooperation and engagement between Eritrea and the international community is essential to improving the lives of Eritrean citizens, and we echo the calls made by the EU and others for Eritrea to cooperate fully with relevant international actors, and with the Special Rapporteur and other human rights mechanisms, through respecting their mandates and granting access to and around the country. This will allow a comprehensive assessment of the human rights situation on the ground in cooperation with the international community and help to improve the lives of Eritrea’s citizens.

Thank you