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Human Rights Council – 37th Session (26 February - 23 March 2018)

Discussion of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Statement of Ireland

12 March 2018

Ireland aligns itself with the statement of the EU and wishes to add the following.

Mr. President,

Ireland would like to express our deep condolences on the passing of Special Rapporteur, Ms Asma Jahangir. Her untimely death deprives us of a fearless defender of human rights.

Ireland welcomes Iran’s greater engagement on human rights issues, in particular the amendments to the drug-trafficking law, as noted in the late Special Rapporteur’s report.

However, we remain extremely concerned at the continued use of the death penalty in Iran, and the high number of executions, in particular of juvenile offenders. We call on the Iranian Government to establish a moratorium on executions with a view to abolishing the death penalty. Ireland strongly supports the late Special Rapporteur’s call for Iran to undertake a review of the cases of persons on death row for crimes committed as minors.

Ireland is also concerned at credible reports of abuses and torture allegedly committed in Iranian prisons and supports the Special Rapporteur’s call for monitoring of detention centres in line with international human rights standards.

Ireland notes with deep concern the Special Rapporteur’s reporting on the discrimination, harassment, arrest, and arbitrary detention of members of the Baha’i community. We call on Iran to cease persecuting the Baha’i community and other minorities.

Ireland calls on Iran to facilitate a country visit by the new Special Rapporteur at the earliest opportunity.