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Human Rights Council 37th Session (26 February – 23 March 2018)

Clustered Interactive Dialogue with the Fact Finding Mission and the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar

Statement by Ireland

12 March 2018

Ireland aligns with the statement of the EU:

Madam Vice President,

Ireland thanks the Special Rapporteur and Fact Finding Mission for the reports they have provided. Ireland shares the concerns of the High Commissioner on the human rights situation in Myanmar and we are particularly concerned by recent allegations emerging from Rakhine State of the existence of mass graves and further destruction of Rohingya villages which supplement the existing extensive and credible reports of grave human rights violations.

Ireland is also deeply troubled by the reported conditions of those who have remained in Rakhine, including recent reports of restrictions on access to food and continued violence and human rights abuses. Ireland reiterates its call on Myanmar to urgently establish greater access to the region for UN agencies and NGOs in order to fully assess and address these needs.

These latest reports absolutely reinforce the urgent need for the Government to provide access to the UN Fact Finding Mission so that these reported human rights violations can be fully investigated.

Ireland recognises the complexity and challenges of the political situation in Myanmar and urges Myanmar to address this crisis, and instability in other States including Kachin and Shan, in cooperation with the international community. Ireland urges Myanmar to take all measures required to protect civilians without discrimination and to fully observe international human rights norms in line with Myanmar’s commitments to strengthening its democracy.


Madam Lee,

We are gravely concerned by the reports of reprisals which you have highlighted. What recommendations would you make to the Myanmar authorities to ensure accountability for these egregious attacks?

Thank you.