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Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

Statement by Ireland

13 March 2017

Ireland aligns with the EU statement and adds the following.

Mr President,

We thank the Special Rapporteur for her report and presentation.

We welcome the democratic transition underway in Myanmar following the historic 2015 elections. We acknowledge the cooperation of the Government with the Special Rapporteur and its commitment to improve the lives of its citizens. 

However we agree with the Rapporteur that this commitment has yet to be fully translated into real actions that are felt on the ground.

We are deeply concerned by ongoing conflict and allegations of human rights violations in Kachin, Shan and Rakhine states.

We echo the Special Rapporteur’s concerns about the information contained in the February 2017 flash report by OHCHR, issued following interviews with Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and recording a large number of serious human rights violations which appear to have taken place in a widespread and systematic manner in northern Rakhine state.

We urge Myanmar to accept the swift establishment of an independent, transparent and credible investigation into all allegations of human rights violations by military and security forces.

We further call for more investment in early recovery and support for livelihood opportunities for all in Rakhine state.

Ireland remains concerned about lack of access for humanitarian aid and independent observers and investigators to certain parts of Myanmar and about the use of the law to intimidate and silence human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists and civil society actors. We urge the Government of Myanmar to amend or repeal all laws necessary in order to create and maintain a safe and enabling environment for civil society.

Special Rapporteur,

We strongly support your call for an independent investigation in relation to events in Rakhine state, which we feel would assist in supporting the democratisation process in Myanmar. We would be grateful for elaboration on the additional expertise and support which you and OHCHR would require to examine these issues further.

Thank you