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Annual high-level panel discussion on human rights mainstreaming

Annual high-level panel discussion on human rights mainstreaming

The contribution of human rights to peacebuilding through the enhancement of dialogue and international cooperation for the promotion of human rights

Statement of Ireland

27 February 2017

Ireland aligns itself with the statement of the European Union.

Mr President,

We thank the distinguished panellists for their insights.

The relationship between human rights, conflict and peacebuilding is a complex one. As already stated this afternoon, human rights violations are often both a symptom and a root cause of conflict – but as we in Ireland know from our own history, human rights are also a key part of effective and sustainable peacebuilding.

Human rights are an indispensable pillar of the Good Friday Agreement and reflected in subsequent agreements between the Governments of Ireland and the United Kingdom concerning the peace process and Northern Ireland.  This and the principles in the Good Friday Agreement of equality, mutual respect and parity of esteem, has played a very important part in the maintenance of peace and further reconciliation on the island of Ireland, despite the many challenges faced over the years.

We fully support the UN’s efforts to build a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding worldwide.  The 2016 resolutions on the UN Peacebuilding Architecture provided renewed momentum for the focus on ‘sustaining peace’. We welcome the emphasis in these resolutions on ensuring the involvement of all, in particular women, youth, and civil society. 

While considerable progress has been made since adoption of UNSCR 1325 and the subsequent resolutions setting the Women, Peace and Security agenda, support for women’s full participation in all stages of peacebuilding remains an under-recognised and under-supported area.  Ireland welcomes the Peacebuilding Commission’s recent adoption of a gender strategy and the Peacebuilding Fund’s mainstreaming of WPS throughout its work.  We urge all partners to build on this positive momentum by consciously including gender perspectives and a focus on the empowerment of women in all peacebuilding work.        

Mr President

Constructive engagement with youth in conflict prevention and peacebuilding initiatives is vital for the creation of sustainable peace.  We would welcome the views of the panellists as to how we can further strengthen the involvement of youth in peacebuilding initiatives.

Thank you