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General Debate- Item 3- Statement by Ireland

Human Rights Council 33rd Session (13 September – 30 September 2016)

General Debate under Item 3

Statement by Ireland

16 September 2016

Ireland aligns itself with the statement of the European Union and adds the following.

Mr President

Ireland thanks the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General for the range of reports presented before the session. Due to time limitations, we will limit our remarks to three.

We warmly welcome the follow-up report on the technical guidance on a human rights-based approach to addressing preventable mortality and morbidity of children under 5. The report illustrates that adopting a human rights-based approach to this issue can assist in identifying the barriers to address in order to achieve our goal of ending such preventable deaths before 2030. We reiterate the central role that human rights mechanisms, including this Council, play in providing a forum for exchange of best practices and ensuring that States address child mortality in line with international human rights standards and principles. Ireland, along with Austria, Botswana and Mongolia will table a resolution at this session which will seek to further respond to the challenges identified in the implementation of the guidance.

Ireland also welcomes the report on the question of the death penalty. While we note positively the steps taken toward universal abolition, Ireland is deeply concerned that States still carrying out executions do so without adequate safeguards in line with international standards.

Lastly, we thank the High Commissioner for his report on the right to participate in public affairs. Having yesterday commemorated the International Day of Democracy, we wish on this occasion to reiterate the priority to be accorded to ensuring a safe and enabling environment for an active civil society as one of the prerequisites to guarantee the real and meaningful participation of all persons in the daily decisions affecting their lives.

Thank you, Mr. President.