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National Plan on Business and Human Rights

In June 2014, the Government of Ireland decided to develop a National Plan to support the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and to provide Irish companies with guidance on how to ensure respect for human rights in their activities.

Submissions on Working Outline of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights

The Working Outline of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights was published on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2015. Please see below for the link to the Working Outline.

Working Outline of Irelands National Plan on Business and Human Rights

A consultation event was hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 22 January 2016 on the Working Outline of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights. Following an invitation for submissions based on the Working Outline, responses were received from civil society and the business community. Please note that the closing date for submissions has now passed. All submissions received can be accessed below.

Preliminary submissions on the development of Ireland’s National Plan on Business and Human Rights

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade invited submissions from interested parties up until 1 March, 2015, on the development of the National Plan on Business and Human Rights and received over 30 submissions from civil society and the business community. All submissions can be accessed below.


  • Submissions on Business and Human Rights
  • Submissions on Working Outline of National Plan