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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Statement from the Dept of Education & Skills for students in the English language education sector

Statement from the Department of Education and Skills for students in the English language education sector
Published: 22 March 2020
From: Department of Education and Skills

The COVID-19 outbreak is a rapidly evolving situation and the welfare of all students is a priority for the Department of Education and Skills. This is especially the case for those students from overseas who have travelled to Ireland to study English and who may be particularly vulnerable at this time.

The Department is actively engaging with key stakeholders to ensure that issues of primary concern to these students are addressed as a priority. It has established a new Covid-19 Working Group for the English language education sector, including representatives of relevant Government Departments and representatives of both students and English language education providers.

The Department has issued Guidance for English language providers. This guidance will be available in multiple languages and distributed through the English language providers to their students using relevant channels. 

This information sheet provides guidance for these students on:
• Health advice about COVID-19
• Immigration Status
• Information for Employees and the Self Employed

The purpose of the guidance is to ensure that students in this sector are aware of all of the important messages and understand the trusted sources of information.
Students will also be directed to COVID-19 public health information provided by the HSE in a range of languages.

###Immigration Status
The Department of Justice and Equality has recently confirmed that everybody with immigration permissions which expire between 20 March 2020 and 20 May 2020 will be granted automatic renewal. This renewal is on the same basis as existing permissions and the same conditions will continue to apply.
Many international students have immigration permissions that are dependent on their attendance at language school. Where an English language education provider has closed due to Government advice regarding Covid-19, all international students will be considered to have met their attendance requirement for the shutdown period. All other rules will remain in place and students will be required to renew their registrations as usual.

アイルランド教育・技能省プレスリリース 2020年3月22日

Covid-19 (新型コロナウイルス)のアウトブレイクが急速に展開している中、教育・技能省にとっての最優先事項は学生たちの福祉です。
教育・技能省はこれらの学生への配慮が優先事項になるように主要関係者に積極的に働きかけています。英語教育セクターでは関係各省の代表者、学生代表や英語教育機関の代表者を含む「Covid-19 Working Group」を新たに設けました。


• Covid-19 (新型コロナウイルス)の健康上のアドバイス
• 在留資格
• 従業員および個人事業主へのお知らせ 



政府の指示の下でCovid-19 (新型コロナウイルス)のために英語教育機関が閉鎖した期間、すべての外国人学生の出席条件は満たされているとみなします。
今回のパンデミックにより学生が失業した場合、雇用及び社会保護局の運営のもとで政府のCovid-19 パンデミック失業手当を申請することができます。
英語教育セクターの「Covid-19 Working Group」 が学生と教育機関と継続的に話し合い、サポートを行います。


1. 学生向けリンクは以下を参照ください。
2. 英語教育セクターでの各省間、各機関の 「Covid-19 Working Group」は以下の代表者により構成されています。
• 教育・技能省
• 司法省
• 雇用及び社会保護局
• 外務貿易省
• Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)(アイルランドにおける教育の品質・資格管理局)
• Marketing English in Ireland (MEI) (アイルランドにおける英語教育のマーケティング・推進委員会)
• Progressive College Network (PCN)(プログレッシブ・カレッジ・ネットワーク)
• Irish Council for International Students (ICOS)(アイルランドの国際学生会)


