Irish poet Paula Meehan to attend European Literature Festival (November 22-27, 2022)
Press release
11 November 2022
Ireland’s celebrated poet and former Ireland Chair of Poetry, Paula Meehan will visit Japan to participate in the European Literature Festival (November 22-27, 2022).
During her stay Ms Meehan will read from her poetry and launch her first book translated into Japanese collection ‘As if By Magic’,( published by Shichosha in September 2022).
She will participate in an event marking the Centenary of Ulysses the ground-breaking novel by James Joyce, marking the novel’s links and influences in Japan and contemporary artistic responses to the famous novel.
As part of the Festival Ms Meehan will also take part on a panel discussion on Poetry and War alongside poets from Hungary, Greece ad Cyprus, at Minato Ward Industrial Promotion Center.
All events are free of charge; registration details are available on the European Literature Festival Japan official website:
1. Panel Discussion ‘Poetry and War’
Date: November 26th (Sat) 14:30-15:20
Venue: Minato Ward Industrial Promotion Center (Fudanotsuji Square 5-36-4 Shiba, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0014)
Speakers: Paula Meehan, Mehmet Yashin, Mari Okamoto, Kosuke Fukuda
Language: English / Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
2. Reading and Book Launch: As if by Magic
The book was published in Japan in September 2022 and the translators will join Ms Meehan reading from the book.
Date: November 26th (Sat) 18:00-20:40
Venue: Aoyama Book Center (5-53-67 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku)
Speakers: Paula Meehan, Mitsuko Ohno, Nobuaki Tochigi
Language: English (with consecutive interpretation)
As if by Magic :
This much-anticipated, career-defining Selected Poems from Paula Meehan gathers poems published between 1991 and 2016 from collections that have been lauded, awarded and widely translated.
A great deal has changed in the world in the arc of time covered by this work, and those changes are noted and considered by poems that are remarkable for their clear-eyed witness. Meehan’s devotion to, and mastery of, her craft, has always been one of the key signatures of her work, as has been her immersion in her beloved native Dublin. In her Selected Poems we see this and more — her uncompromising engagement with the politics of gender and class, her love of the natural world and her grief at what threatens it. We witness her holistic and visionary impulse to bless the creation, to be grateful for her place in it.
The book was published in Japan in September 2022 and the translators will join Ms Meehan on the stage.
3. Reading and discussion: Paula Meehan, Ulysses, and Japan
Date and time: Sunday, November 27, 15:10-16:00
Place: Instituto Cervantes Tokyo (2-9 Rokubancho, Chiyoda-ku)
Speaker: Paula Meehan, Kumiko Yamada , Brian Fox- with music By Kozo Toyota (Irish Flute).
Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation)
2022 marks the centenary of the world famous novel Ulysses by Irish author James Joyce. In this session, moderator, Professor Brian Fox (Okayama University) will discuss the novel’s legacy and influence in Ireland and Japan with Poet Paula Meehan and Dr Kumiko Yamada Professor Emeritus of Rikkyo University. The talk will be followed by a short reading and music performance.
Paul Meehan Biographical note:
Paula Meehan was born in 1955 in Dublin where she still lives. She studied at Trinity College, Dublin, and at Eastern Washington University in the U.S. She has received many awards, including the Marten Toonder Award for Literature, The Butler Literary Award for Poetry, the Denis Devlin Memorial Award and the PPI Award for Radio Drama. She has published seven collections of poetry, the most recent being Geomantic (Dedalus Press, 2016). A selected volume, entitled Mysteries of the Home, was published in 1996. Her writing for stage includes the plays Mrs Sweeney (1997), Cell (1999), and, for children, Kirkle (1995), The Voyage (1997) and The Wolf of Winter (2003/2004). Her poetry has been set to music by artists as diverse as the avant-garde composer John Wolf Brennan and the folksinger Christy Moore. She has collaborated throughout her working life with dancers, visual artists and film makers. Paula Meehan is a member of Aosdána, the Irish affiliation of writers and artists.
Professor Paula Meehan’s As if By Magic: Selected Poems published by Dedalus press in 2020 has been translated by Professor Mitsuko Ohno and others and published by Shinchosha in September 2022.
Media Coverage
See Japan News article on EU Literature Festival, featuring Paula Meehan and many exciting authors from Europe and Japan.
このたび、アイルランドの著名な詩人で、アイルランドの詩歌界を代表する存在であるIreland Chair of Poetryを務めた経験もあるポーラ・ミーハン氏が来日し、ヨーロッパ文芸フェスティバルに参加します。
ミーハン氏は、今年9月に刊行された初の邦訳詩集『まるで魔法のように ポーラ・ミーハン選詩集』(思潮社)の刊行記念イベントに登壇し、作品の朗読を披露します。
ヨーロッパ文芸フェスティバル ポーラ・ミーハン関連イベント日程
1. パネルディスカッション「詩と戦争」
2. 『まるで魔法のように ポーラ・ミーハン選詩集』刊行記念イベント
『まるで魔法のように ポーラ・ミーハン選詩集』
本作に収められた詩が発表された25年という時の経過とともに、世界は大きく変化してきました。それらの変化は、洞察力のある視点で詩に書き留められ、考察されています。彼女の創作活動への献身と熟達は、最愛の故郷であるダブリンへの深い思いと同様に、常に彼女の作品の重要な特徴の 1 つとなっています。選詩集にはそれらが反映されているほか、ジェンダーや階級の政治との妥協のない関与、自然界への愛情、そしてそれを脅かすものへの悲しみが収められています。私たちは、創作物を祝し、その中で自らの居場所に感謝する彼女の包括的で先見の明のある推進力を目の当たりにすることとなります。
3. 朗読とディスカッション「ポーラ・ミーハンと日本に見る『ユリシーズ』刊行100周年」
1955年ダブリン生まれ、ダブリン在住。アイルランドのダブリン大学トリニティ・カレッジ卒業後、アメリカのイースタン・ワシントン大学へ進学。マーテン・トゥーンダー賞(文学作品部門)、バトラー文学賞(詩歌部門)、デニス・デヴリン記念賞、PPI賞(ラジオドラマ部門)など数々の賞を受賞。最新作の『Geomantic』(Dedalus Press、2016年)をはじめ、これまでに7作の詩集を出版。また、1996年には詩選集『Mysteries of the Home』を出版している。戯曲には、「Mrs Sweeney」(1997年)、「Cell」(1999年)、児童向けの「Kirkle」(1995年)、「The Voyage」(1997年)、「The Wolf of Winter」(2003~2004年)などがある。彼女の詩にアヴァンギャルド作曲家のジョン・ウォルフ・ブレナンやフォークシンガーのクリスティ・ムーアといった多岐にわたるアーティストがメロディーをつけたほか、ダンサー、ヴィジュアル・アーティスト、映画監督との共同制作経験も豊富。アイルランド芸術家協会会員。『As if By Magic: Selected Poems』(Dedalus Press、2020年)は愛知淑徳大学の大野光子名誉教授らの編訳で2022年9月に『まるで魔法のように ポーラ・ミーハン選詩集』として思潮社より出版。
Japan News "Tokyo event celebrates Literature of EU nations"