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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

St. Patrick’s Day Events in Japan 2020

St. Patrick's Day Parade Tokyo 2019 (organised by Irish Network Japan Tokyo)





3月14日(土)~15日(日)に代々木公園で「アイラブアイルランド・フェスティバル」(主催:在日アイルランド商工会議所)が開催されます。第7回目を迎える本フェスティバルは、完全キャッシュレス決済で行われる日本初の国際イベントとなります。アイルランドの食、文化、スポーツ等を、アイルランドに行った気分でお楽しみください。(※2月28日追記 本イベントは中止が決定しました)


アイリッシュ・ネットワーク・ジャパン東京が、第28回目となる「セントパトリックスデーパレード東京」を3月15日(日)13時より表参道にて開催します。(※2月28日追記 本イベントは中止が決定しました)









セント・パトリックス・デー(3 月17 日)

アイルランドのナショナルデーで、5 世紀にアイルランドへキリスト教を伝えた聖パトリックにちなんだ祭日。アイルランドでは1200年以上に渡って祝われており、アメリカでも250年以上の歴史があります。日本では1992年に初めて「セントパトリックスデーパレード東京」が行われました。


St. Patrick’s Day Events in Japan 2020

In 2020, the year of Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, the organisers and friends of the month-long St. Patrick’s Day festival and the many friends of Ireland in Japan, are aiming to make the observance of St. Patrick’s Day in Japan bigger and better than ever. This will build on the many friendships between Ireland and Japan developed during the Rugby World Cup.

With just over a month to go to St. Patrick’s Day on 17 March, the worldwide Festival of Green, friends of Ireland in Japan from Sapporo to Kumamoto announce a wide range of exciting events:

Celebrations include 21 events, featuring parades, festivals and greenings of important building in 17 cities around Japan (Number of events: as of 5 February 2020).

In Tokyo, the 7th annual I Love Ireland Festival in Yoyogi Park organised under the patronage of the Ireland Japan Chamber of Commerce, will run over the weekend of 14 and 15 March.  It will be completely cashless, the first ever international event run on this basis in Japan. (Update 28 February - Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled)

Asia’s longest running St. Patricks Day Parade, the Irish Network Japan (INJ) Tokyo Parade, marks its 28th year and takes place on Omotesando Avenue on Sunday 15 March kicking off at 1pm. (Update 28 February - Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled)

In 2019, the I Love Ireland Festival and parade together attracted over 180k people making it the largest Irish event in Asia.

This year, the Global Irish Network in Japan is expanding to include five Olympic and Paralympic host cities around the country. These are Fukuroi City in Shizuoka, Narita in Chiba, Masuda and Matsue in Shimane and Iwate Town in Iwate.

Welcoming the ever-increasing number of St. Patrick’s Day events in Japan, Ambassador Paul Kavanagh said:

I am delighted that once again this year the close friendship between Irish and Japanese people will be celebrated so widely across Japan, during a terrific one month long St. Patrick’s Day festival. This year, we look forward to many Irish visitors coming here for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. And the Irish people look forward to welcoming many Japanese visitors for the Ireland-Japan friendly international rugby game on 21 November in Dublin. Sport, culture and business make for ever closer friendships. Let’s enjoy the 2020 St. Patrick’s Day festival- it is, above all, a fun time!




St. Patrick’s Day (17 March)

Ireland’s national day, St. Patrick’s Day, takes place on 17 March, and is named after the fifth-century saint who introduced Christianity to Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day has been celebrated in Ireland for nearly 1,200 years, and in the United States for more than 250 years. Japan’s first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in Tokyo in 1992.


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