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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Embassy of Ireland, Tokyo – Newsletter 2 of 2022

Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, Mr. Peter Burke T.D., visits Japan
アイルランド 住宅・地方自治体・ヘリテージ省 ピーター・バーク都市計画・地方自治体担当大臣 来日

Ireland’s Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, Mr Peter Burke, visited Japan from 13-16 March as part of the annual global outreach by representatives of the Irish Government for Ireland’s national day, St. Patrick’s Day. This was the first political level visit to Japan by an Irish Minister since before the pandemic. During his visit, Minister Burke held a number of key political meetings, including a bilateral meeting with his Japanese counterpart, State Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Mr Norihiro Nakayama, as well as the Japan-Ireland Parliamentary Friendship League, for a wide-ranging discussion on bilateral ties.


Minister Burke also met with Irish trade and investment partners in order to strengthen Ireland’s bilateral economic relationship with Japan as part of the visit, and supported the development of Ireland-Japan links in the equine and agricultural area in a meeting with President of the Japan Racing Association, Mr Masayuki Goto.

St. Patrick’s Day, Ireland’s National Day – 17 March

This March, despite the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, Irish people and Japanese friends of Ireland from Sapporo to Kumamoto, gathered to mark St. Patrick’s Day with a series of fun and exciting events across the country. In addition, many sites again joined the Tourism Ireland ‘Global Greening’ campaign.

Ambassador Kavanagh hosted a ‘Virtual St. Patrick’s Day Reception’ on 17 March. The programme featured a message from the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland to the Irish community and Japanese friends of Ireland, and showcased a number of impressive cultural performances from Ireland and Japan. The central message of this year’s St Patrick’s Day was that Ireland, in the wake of the pandemic, is reopening, is reconnecting with our communities at home and overseas. If you missed the virtual reception on the day, don’t worry, you can still watch it here.

Stand with Ukraine

This year, and in light of global events, Ireland marked St. Patrick’s Day in solidarity with Ukraine, rather than in celebration. As part of his visit to Japan, Minister Burke delivered a speech at a small event in the Ambassador’s residence, and in the presence of the Ambassador of Ukraine to Japan, expressing the Irish Government and people’s full support for the people of Ukraine. The Minister also introduced a musical tribute which had been commissioned for the evening, with a performance of two pieces of Ukrainian music, which were transcribed for Irish instruments by the Japan-based composer and musicologist, Paul Hayes, and performed by the Lady Chieftans, a Japanese group of traditional Irish musicians. You can watch a highlight of these performances here.


Ireland is working in multilateral forums across the globe to respond to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Ireland has already provided €20 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in neighbouring countries and €33 million in non-lethal assistance for the Ukrainian military through the European Peace Facility. Ireland has been at the forefront of putting in place a robust EU sanctions regime and of supporting international mechanisms to hold Russia to account for grave violations of international humanitarian law, including referring the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court (Details). 
アイルランドは、ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に対応するため、さまざまな多国間フォーラムで活動しています。 すでに、ウクライナと近隣諸国のウクライナ人難民に2000万ユーロの人道支援を行い、欧州平和ファシリティを通じてウクライナ軍に3300万ユーロの非軍事的支援を行っています。アイルランドは、EUの強固な制裁体制の導入や、ウクライナ情勢を国際刑事裁判所に付託するなど、ロシアの重大な国際人道法違反の責任を追及する国際的メカニズムの支持に率先して取り組んでいます。詳細はこちら

Ireland’s Foreign Minister Simon Coveney T.D. visits Ukraine

On 15 April, Ireland’s Foreign and Defence Minister, Mr. Simon Coveney T.D. became the first Foreign Minister of a sitting member of the United Nations Security Council to visit Kyiv. Minister Coveney met with Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, where he confirmed Ireland’s humanitarian, financial and diplomatic support, and had discussions on coordinated further sanctions on Russia, and Ukraine’s speedy accession to the EU. Minister Coveney also visited Bucha to see for himself the destruction and devastation caused by the conflict there. On return to Ireland, and shortly before departing for New York to address the UN Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, he wrote about his experience in Bucha, which is available here.
4月15日、アイルランドのサイモン・コーヴニー外務・防衛大臣が、国連安全保障理事会理事国の外務大臣として初めてキーウを訪問しました。ウクライナのドミトロ・クレーバ外務大臣との会談で、アイルランドの人道的、財政的、外交的サポートを確認するとともに、ロシアに対する更なる制裁措置の調整と、ウクライナのEUへの早期加盟について協議しました。また、コーヴニー大臣はブチャを訪れ、紛争によって破壊され荒廃した街の様子を自身の目で確かめました。大臣はアイルランドに帰国後、国連安全保障理事会でウクライナの人道的状況について演説するためニューヨークへ出発する前に、ブチャの様子についてIrish Examiner紙に寄稿しています。


Ambassador Kavanagh hosts EU-Japan Fest

On 8 April, Ambassador Kavanagh hosted a great evening of business and finance networking at his Residence for the AGM of EU Japan Fest and its blue ribband Board of leading corporate figures of Japan. In welcoming the current and former Chairs of the EU-Japan Fest committee, and thanking them for their support of his opening remarks, Ambassador Kavanagh applauded the leadership of the outstanding group of senior, Japanese corporate figures in promoting cultural relations and exchanges within the framework of the EU Capitals of Culture and alongside the EU Japan Fest.

Ireland confirms participation in Expo 2025 Osaka

On 13 April, the Government of Ireland decided that Ireland will participate in Expo 2025 Osaka. At a press conference on 19 April, Minister for the World Expo 2025, Mr Wakamiya Kenji, welcomed the confirmation by Ireland and confirmed the participation of four other countries, bringing the total number of confirmed participating countries to 105, as of 19 April 2022.

Ireland Book Fair – Kinokuniya
紀伊國屋書店 アイルランドフェア

This year, the Embassy was delighted to see the interest in Irish literature continuing to grow in Japan. We are also very grateful to the continuous support of Kinokuniya, who this year expanded their Irish book fair to three stores nationwide! This book fair, which started in the Shinjuku branch of Kinokuniya and typically holds this in March to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day, has a great range of IrishBooks on a wide range of topics, including Irish cooking, Irish history, Irish myths and legends, classic literature and poetry by writers such as James Joyce, W. B. Yeats, Samuel Beckett and Seamus Heaney, as well as novels by modern authors such as Sally Rooney. It also has a great range of children’s books, which can help young people to learn English in a fun and engaging way. We look forward to this great partnership continuing with further literary events later in the year.
日本におけるアイルランド文学への関心が高まり続けています。紀伊國屋書店では、毎年セント・パトリックス・デーに合わせて3月に洋書専門店Books Kinokuniya Tokyoで開催されている「アイルランドフェア」が今年は3店舗に拡大して実施されました。料理から歴史、伝説、文学まで幅広い分野のアイルランドに関する書籍が集められ、文学作品ではジェイムズ・ジョイス、W.B.イェイツ、サミュエル・ベケット、シェイマス・ヒーニーといった文豪の作品だけでなく、サリー・ルーニーなどによる現代小説も並びました。また、英語学習者が楽しく学ぶ手段としても活用できる児童書も、充実のラインナップが揃いました。今後もさまざまなイベントの展開を期待しております。

‌Embassy visits Iwate Town for their first ever Irish Festival

Deputy Head of Mission Peter Neary visited Iwate Town, Iwate Prefecture, in March as part of Iwate’s first ever Irish Festival to mark St. Patrick’s Day. The town hosted the base camp for the Ireland women’s hockey team in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, where they are still remembered warmly! Mayor Sasaki is passionate about continuing the links between Iwate and Ireland, particularly in the areas of sport, agriculture and the SDGs, and the Embassy is delighted to support this further.

Enjoy Irish Beef in Japan!

Bord Bia and La Bisboccia, Italian restaurant in Hiroo, are organising an Irish Grassfed Beef Campaign from 14 March to 7 May. Ever wanted to try the delicious taste of grass-fed Irish beef, expertly cooked over a charcoal grill? Then here is your chance! In 2021 Ireland exported a total of €175 million worth of food and drink to Japan. This was a 20% increase on 2020. Ireland is now the seventh largest beef exporter to Japan, with plenty of room to grow, according to Bord Bia.
5月7日まで、アイルランド政府食糧庁と東京・広尾のイタリアンレストランLA BISBOCCIAが、アイリッシュ・ビーフ・キャンペーンを開催しています。冬に美味しく育ち、春に食べごろになるアイルランド産の牛肉を、炭火焼きで提供します。2021年、アイルランドの食品・飲料の対日輸出額は1億7500万ユーロで、これは前年比20%増でした。現在、牛肉輸出国としてのアイルランドは、日本において7位に位置。今後も発展が期待されます。
