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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Embassy of Ireland, Tokyo – Newsletter 1 of 2022

Virtual meeting between Minister Coveney and Minister Hayashi

On 9 December 2021, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney T.D. met virtually with the Foreign Minister of Japan, Mr. Yoshimasa Hayashi. The Ministers affirmed their commitment to strengthening the excellent bilateral relations between Ireland and Japan. They also exchanged views on global security challenges. Minister Coveney thanked Japan for hosting the Nutrition for Growth Summit in Tokyo on 7 and 8 December 2021. At the Summit, both Ireland and Japan announced significant and comprehensive pledges to tackle hunger and support nutrition globally. Ireland pledged €800 million over the next five years on nutrition programmes and interventions. The Ministers also discussed key global challenges, including in the context of Ireland’s Security Council term. Ireland and Japan share a close and warm relationship with great potential for development, as well as shared values and global priorities.

Related Links:
Minister Coveney has virtual meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister (Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland)
Japan-Ireland Foreign Ministers’ Video Conference (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
日・アイルランド外相テレビ会談 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

 NL 2022 1 - Okayama

Deputy Head of Mission Visit to Okayama

Peter Neary, Deputy Head of Mission, visited Okayama on 8-9 November 2021. As part of the EU Comes to Your School project, he gave a lecture on Ireland and the EU at Konko Gakuen school, and was very impressed with the level of engagement and questions from the students! In addition, he met with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Okayama Committee to support and develop the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in Okayama. He also paid a courtesy call on Mayor Omori and discussed ways to further strengthen links between Ireland and Okayama. This was a great first discussion on ways to grow the St. Patrick’s Day events and support Okayama’s triennial art fair with Irish artists. We look forward to further engagement!

 NL 2022 1 - PDSA

Professor Mitsuko Ohno receives the Presidential Distinguished Service Award

On 2 December 2021, President Higgins presented the Presidential Distinguished Service Awards (PDSA) to the recipients for 2020 and 2021. Prof. Mitsuko Ohno, Professor Emeritus of Aichi Shukutoku University, received the Award (2020) for her work translating and promoting Irish literature abroad. Accompanied by Marie Heaney, widow of Nobel prize winning Irish poet Seamus Heaney, she was congratulated by Foreign Minister Coveney. The PDSA is presented by the President every year. It recognises the service given to this country or to Irish communities abroad by those who live outside Ireland. Professor Ohno is only the second ever Japanese recipient of the award, and the first Japanese recipient in the area of culture and the arts. 

Related Links:
Presidential Distinguished Service Award (Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland)
Minister Coveney announces recipients of Presidential Distinguished Service Awards (Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland)
アイルランド文学普及に尽力し大統領功労賞 大野光子さん (The Chunichi Shimbun)

 NL 2022 1 - SECCO

Review of Ireland at SECCO in 2021
2021年 国連安全保障理事会における活動の振り返り

Ireland is halfway through its term on the UN Security Council, and we have been active across a broad range of files during this time. We led negotiations on the first ever resolution on UN peacekeeping transitions. We raised our voice in defence of human rights and humanitarian actors, especially in places like Afghanistan and Ethiopia. And we pushed the Security Council to accept the responsibility when it comes to climate and security. Ireland has another year left at Security Council term. You can expect us to continue in the same spirit in 2022.

 NL 2022 1 - To Be Irish

To Be Irish – CCÉ Japan
To Be Irish – CCÉジャパン (アイルランド音楽家協会日本支部)

To Be Irish is an initiative by the Department of Foreign Affairs with support from Local Authorities, cultural institutions, broadcasters and organisations across Ireland, to create meaningful connections with the Irish diaspora around the world. Celebrating individuals, families, community organisations and businesses with Irish roots, To Be Irish aims to be a virtual hub for sharing the joy of being Irish at special moments throughout the year.
In 2020 and 2021, under the Coronavirus pandemic, we presented To Be Irish at Christmas connecting our global Irish family over two festive seasons. Under this scheme, CCÉ Japan organised an online showcase of traditional music and dance.
CCÉ Japan is a branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, and their mission is to preserve and promote Irish culture in Japan. You can watch this video of Japanese musicians playing traditional Irish music through the link below. You can also see highlights from recent events marking CCÉ Japan’s 30th anniversary and Toyota Ceili Band's 10th anniversary. Please enjoy this video!
「To Be Irish」は、アイルランド外務省がアイルランド全国の地方自治体、文化機関、放送局や様々な団体と共に、在外アイルランド人との有意義な繋がりを作るため始めたプロジェクトです。アイルランドにルーツを持つ個人、家族、コミュニティ団体、企業が参加し、アイルランド人であることの喜びを分かち合うためのバーチャル・ハブとなるものです。
2020年と2021年、新型コロナウイルス感染症パンデミックの中、世界中のアイルランド人コミュニティを繋ぐため、クリスマスシーズンに「To Be Irish at Christmas」プログラムを展開しました。このプログラムの一環で、CCÉジャパンの皆さんがオンラインでアイルランドの伝統音楽とダンスを披露しました。
CCÉジャパン はアイルランドに本部を置くComhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann(コールタス・キョールトーリ・エーレン、アイルランド語で「アイルランド音楽家協会」の意)の日本支部で、日本におけるアイルランド文化の継承と普及を目的としています。2021年はCCÉジャパン設立30周年、また、日本を代表するケーリー・バンド(アイルランドのダンスの伴奏専門のバンド)であるトヨタ・ケーリー・バンド結成10周年という記念の年でした。以下のURLから、日本人ミュージシャンによるアイルランド伝統音楽の素晴らしい演奏をお楽しみいただけます。

Related Links:
Video: To Be Irish at Christmas from CCÉ Japan
To Be Irish (Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland)
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann Japan アイルランド音楽家協会 日本支部

 NL 2022 1 - SBD

St. Brigid’s Day, 1 February
聖ブリジッドの日 – 2月1日

In Ireland, the first of February marks the beginning of Spring and the celebration of St. Brigid’s Day. St. Brigid is Ireland’s only female patron saint but her roots lie in the Celtic festival of Imbolc, the feast of the goddess Brigid, celebrated at least five millennia ago. It is the festival of new life and fertility. Department of Foreign Affairs marks St. Brigid’s Day with global programme of events celebrating the creativity and talent of Irish women.

Related Links:
To Be Irish (Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland)
Video: How to Make St. Brigid's Cross「聖ブリジッドの十字架」の作り方
          St. Brigid's Day Exhibition 聖ブリジッドの日展示ツアー (National Museum of Ireland)
          St. Brigid's Day Mini Lecture 聖ブリジッドの日 ミニ講義 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
