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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Embassy of Ireland in Tokyo Open Call for Manga Animator for Tokyo 2020 Project



Manga Animation Open Call
The Embassy of Ireland in Tokyo is issuing an open call to manga artists to work with the Embassy on a special project for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. As part of its promotional work for the Tokyo Games, the Embassy would like to commission a manga artist to create a manga sketch of Ireland’s Olympic and Paralympic individual and team athletes, which could be used for promotional activities. Digital versions of these images would be used on our social media platforms, and issued on the day that those athletes/teams are competing in the Games. Physical versions may also be printed and used in large format (on posters) and prepared for use as stickers, or printed in frames, and give to athletes after the Games. These assets would be used for promotional activity, not for commercial purposes.

Details are as follows:
The Embassy would like to commission an artist to create manga-style animated versions of Irish athletes and teams for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This could include up to 30 portraits of athletes or teams, with the possibility for slightly more or less depending on the circumstances. The Embassy will provide photos which can be used as the basis for the animated manga drawing. Some examples include the following images, from which we would ask you to draw an animated/manga-style image.

Jack Wooley (Tae-kwon-do); https://olympics.ie/second-team-ireland-tokyo-2020-team-announcement-jack-woolley/
Liam Jegou (Kayak): https://olympics.ie/olympic-sport-update-12-november-2020/

We anticipate that the images would be created and delivered from 18 June – 21 July. Images can be delivered as soon as they are completed. The cost of these services is not expected to exceed ¥1,300,000.

1. Please submit a copy of your CV;
2. Please submit a sample of your previous work;
3. Please submit one example of how you would create a manga animation of one of the individual athletes photos above (if you choose Jack Wooley, please use the second photo in the above link and draw him only. The training dummy is not required.);
4. Please confirm whether you would be able to meet the deadlines below;
5. Please set out your quote (cost) for the whole project.
Please send your application by email to tokyoembassy@dfa.ie with a subject line: Application for Manga Animation Open Call.

The deadline for applications is Monday 07 June at 17.00.

Selection criteria
Applications will be based on the following selection criteria:
• Suitability of previous work (25 marks)
• Suitability of sample work submitted (25 marks)
• Ability to meet the deadlines above (Pass/Fail)
• Cost (25 marks)

The winning candidate will be the person who scores the highest marks out of the 75 marks available. Inability to meet the deadlines will disqualify the candidate. The winning candidate will be selected and informed by Wednesday 09 June.

Copyright and Intellectual property rights
This open call only accepts unpublished works and copyright of all works remain the property of the Embassy of Ireland, Japan. All applicants should be aware that, if selected, works will be also used by Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Olympic Federation of Ireland and Paralympics Ireland as necessary.




Jack Wooley (Tae-kwon-do); https://olympics.ie/second-team-ireland-tokyo-2020-team-announcement-jack-woolley/
Liam Jegou (Kayak): https://olympics.ie/olympic-sport-update-12-november-2020/


以下の要領で、 tokyoembassy@dfa.ie までメールにてご応募ください。
• 件名は「Application for Manga Animation Open Call」とご記入願います。
• 本文中に、制作期間(6月18日~7月21日)中に依頼する全作品を制作いただくことへの同意有無を明記してください。
• 以下4点をメールに添付してください。なお、ファイルが重い場合、受信ができない可能性もございますのでご注意ください。
1. 略歴
2. ご自身の過去の作品
3. 上記「提供写真」を参考に、Jack Wooley選手もしくはLiam Jegou選手を描いた作品(どちらか)1点(Jack Wooley選手については、記事内の2枚目の写真をご使用ください。トレーニングダミーを描く必要はございません。)
4. 制作費のお見積書


• 本プロジェクトへの相応しさ(過去の作品より判断)(25点)
• 本プロジェクトへの相応しさ(応募に際して制作された選手イラストより判断)(25点)
• 制作期間への同意有無
• 制作費(25点)


