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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Bord Bia/Irish Food Board – Hiring in Japan!

The Embassy is pleased to share the news that Bord Bia/The Irish Food Board is hiring an in-market presence in Japan. The successful candidate will assist the Bord Bia S&E Asia Manager in the development, implementation and measurement of Bord Bia’s Route to Market services, to deliver sustainable business lead conversions for Irish food and drink exporters in the sectors of strategic priority in Japan and Korea.

Full details about the job on offer and application process are available at this link: https://bord-bia.hirehive.com/Embed/Job/33648#HireHive_app

The role of Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, is to act as a link between Irish food, drink and horticulture suppliers and existing and potential customers throughout the world.  Their objective is to develop markets for Irish suppliers and to bring the taste of Irish food to more tables world-wide.
