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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Ambassador of Ireland wishes everyone in Japan a Happy Halloween!

Halloween is an ancient Irish Celtic festival celebrating the end of harvest season

On 31 October 2020, Mr Paul Kavanagh, Ambassador of Ireland, invites everyone in Japan to enjoy the great, worldwide autumn harvest festival of Halloween which has its origin in Ireland.

He said “Halloween is an ancient Irish festival that in recent years has gone global. It is wonderful to see that it has found a home here in Japan. This is yet another sign of how our two countries connect through culture.”

“Halloween – or Samhain, in the Irish language, meaning summer’s end – was celebrated by the ancient Celts for many thousands of years. The end of the harvest was marked with a special festival of fires, feasts and pagan ceremonies.
According to ancient beliefs, Samhain is a time when the barrier between our world and the afterlife narrows, and the souls of the dead arise from their graves, wander the countryside and return to their homes. These souls take the form of ghosts, fairies, goblins and demons. Irish Celts would leave out food and drink to keep them happy. They dressed up in scary costumes to blend in with and disguise themselves from the demons. Christian beliefs came later in Ireland and somehow co-existed with many different beliefs in the supernatural and the festival continued in popularity”.
“With the great waves of emigration from Ireland over past centuries, Irish people in huge numbers brought this tradition to the United States and elsewhere, leading to its global popularity. In Japan too, people of all ages have embraced Halloween.
Halloween is still celebrated traditionally in Ireland and famous festivals in Derry, Meath and Dublin draw major crowds every year. Although challenges everywhere due to the current Covid-19 pandemic mean that experiences this year will be different on festival night, we can still enjoy the colour and fun of Halloween among families and friends, with many new and original projects.”

Also, don’t miss the special chance to see the latest animated feature film from the Oscar-nominated studio Cartoon Saloon, ‘Wolfwalkers’ on the big screen. This highly-praised new film opens in cinemas on 30 October.

Last but not least, on its social media platforms, the Embassy will introduce traditional Halloween games and recipes throughout the month of October. Please watch out for the Embassy’s new short video showing signs how our two countries culturally connect through Halloween which will be released over the Halloween weekend! Even if this year you must enter the spirit of Halloween at home and whether or not you are dressed up in a scary costume to avoid the wandering sprits who stalk the land, Oiche Shamhna shona, Happy Halloween, from Ireland, the original ancient home of Halloween.


[Irish Halloween highlights in Japan]
Opening of Wolfwalkers
New animated film from Irish filmmakers Cartoon Saloon

Gunma Flower Park: Flower Halloween

Shinjuku History Museum: Koizumi Yakumo Wandering Ghost

Embassy social media campaign
Website: http://www.dfa.ie/japan
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IrishEmbJapan, https://twitter.com/IrishEmbJapanEN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/irelandinjapan

Embassy animated Halloween video

[Halloween events taking place in Ireland]
Spine-tingling festivals in the home of Halloween! As the land of ancient Celtic traditions, wailing banshees, haunted happenings, the creator of Dracula and tricks, treats and festivals galore, the island of Ireland is a bewitching destination at Halloween time. This year, digital media will play a major role in the island’s mix of memorable fright nights, with three of the biggest Halloween festivals planning to engage, entertain and bring supernatural surprises online:

Derry Halloween (28 October 2020 – 1 November 2020, Derry)
This event has become the most exciting Halloween celebration in Europe, with the readers of USA Today voting it as the number one Halloween destination in the world. Derry Halloween is now an unmissable, bucket list event, with people from around the world – not to mention the otherworld – flocking there to enjoy a spectacular festival fusing ancient myth and cutting-edge culture. The 2020 event will run from 28 October to 1 November and will have a strong community and digital focus under the theme of ‘The Awakening’.
This year, the city will be invaded by large-scale inflatable monsters, visible both during the day and night, banshee bike rides, several fireworks displays that will fire simultaneously and a First Light service with music and choral experiences. There will be plenty of online content too with Little Horrors kids’ storytelling and performances, ‘how to’ tutorials on costume, mask and broomstick making, pumpkin carving, face painting, SFX makeup, recipes and cocktails. Online storytelling, theatre and adult ghost stories will follow the festival theme, and there will also be Samhain Sessions – live music performances – and an online Kids Zone featuring arts, crafts and themed activities.

Bram Stoker Festival (30 October 2020 – 3 November 2020, Dublin)
The famous Bram Stoker Festival will once again bring fun and adventure to the Irish capital over the Halloween weekend of 30 October – 2 November as it delves into the legacy of the Dublin-born creator of Dracula. In a year when the stakes have been raised in unexpected ways, the programme for the 2020 celebration of all things Stoker will focus on interactive and fun experiences for all age groups, marking Dublin’s unique link to the author, the supernatural and Irish Halloween traditions. There will be tricks and treats for everyone, so vampires of all ages will find something to sink their fangs into from the comfort of their own castles or in Dublin itself. The full programme will be unleashed soon, so gothic fans of all ages are advised to keep their eyes peeled on the festival website and the Bram Stoker Festival social channels.
Background story of Dracula: https://bit.ly/3jw5bV8

Púca Festival (31 October 2020, County Meath and County Louth)
At the inaugural Púca Festival last year thousands of people gathered at locations across counties Meath and Louth to celebrate Ireland as the original birthplace of Halloween. With a programme of events including a recreation of the symbolic lighting of the Samhain fires on the Hill of Ward, the festival lit up the darkness with fire, folklore, music, myth, light installations, and great food and drink. This year, celebrations will be virtual with a broadcast of the lighting of the Samhain fires on the 31 October and a celebration of the story of Halloween’s origins in Irish and Celtic traditions told through the Púca social media channels.




ハロウィーンは古代アイルランドのお祭りで、近年世界規模で祝われるようになりました。 それが日本でも「居場所」を見つけ、定着していることを喜ばしく思います。このこともまた、両国の文化的つながりの表れと言えるのです。





また10月30日には、4度のアカデミー賞ノミネートに輝くアイルランドのアニメーション・スタジオ カートゥーン・サルーンによる最新作 映画『ウルフウォーカー』が公開されます。ぜひご覧ください。




アイルランドのアニメーション・スタジオ カートゥーン・サルーンの最新作
眠ると魂が抜け出し、オオカミになる… 中世からアイルランドの町キルケニーに伝わるオオカミ伝説をもとに描いた物語。


新宿歴史博物館「生誕170年記念 小泉八雲 放浪するゴースト」(2020年10月10日(土)~12月6日(日))
アイルランドにルーツを持つ八雲の旅路や、彼が「ゴースト」と呼んだ放浪へと誘うもの ― 魂の戦慄を引き起こし、彼を創作へ掻き立てたもの ― に焦点を当て、創作の軌跡をたどります。

ウェブサイト: http://www.dfa.ie/japan
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IrishEmbJapan, https://twitter.com/IrishEmbJapanEN
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/irelandinjapan

アニメーション動画「アイルランド ハロウィーン発祥の地」


デリー・ハロウィーンは、アメリカの全国紙『USA Today』が実施した読者投票により、ハロウィーンに訪れたい場所世界No. 1に輝き、ヨーロッパで最もワクワクするハロウィーンイベントの地位をゆるぎないものにしました。そのため、古代の伝説と最先端の文化が融合した見事なフェスティバルを楽しみに、異界からの死者の魂は言うまでもなく、世界中から多くの人が集まり、今では「死ぬまでにしたい100のこと」に入るような必見のイベントとなっています。2020年は「目覚め(The Awakening)」をテーマに、地元コミュニティの強い結びつきやデジタルコンテンツを発信します。

ブラム・ストーカーとドラキュラについてはこちらから: https://bit.ly/3jw5bV8



