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駐日アイルランド大使館公式ウェブサイトは Ireland.ie/tokyo に移行いたしました。本サイトは今後更新いたしませんので、恐れ入りますが新サイトをご覧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。

Ambassador of Ireland announces 2022 programme for St. Patrick’s Day in Japan


Every year in March, iconic locations and lively community groups across Japan, join the global ‘Festival of Green’, marking Ireland’s National Day, St. Patrick’s Day.

This March, despite the effects and impositions of the Covid-19 pandemic, Irish people and Japanese friends of Ireland from Sapporo to Kumamoto, will gather to celebrate with a series of fun and exciting St. Patrick’s Day-related events for everyone to enjoy. In addition, many sites will again join the Tourism Ireland ‘Global Greening’ campaign.

Landmarks and monuments around Japan ‘going green’ this year include beautiful Matsue Castle in Matsue City, Shimane, the iconic Ise Ohtorii in Ise City, Mie, Yokohama’s Cosmo Clock 21, Osaka’s popular Tempozan Ferris Wheel and Fukui Happiterrace, in Fukui, to name just a few.

This year, instead of holding a physical reception for the National Day, Ambassador Kavanagh will host a ‘Virtual St. Patrick’s Day Reception’ on 17 March at 18:00 which can be seen throughout Japan. The event will feature a message from the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland to the Irish community and Japanese friends of Ireland, and offer some inspiring cultural performances from Ireland and Japan. https://www.ireland.ie/japan

Also joining the network of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations this year, Iwate Town (Iwate) and Fukuroi City (Shizuoka) will organise events and greenings to mark the great new friendships made during the successful summer Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Noting the broad range of St. Patrick’s Day events this year, Ambassador Paul Kavanagh said:

“I am delighted to see so many ties of friendship between Irish and Japanese people highlighted as part of these St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. Lively music and dance performances and the green illumination of popular landmarks, show the dedication, agility and hard work of our Japanese friends and the dynamic partnerships that exist within the Irish community in this country”.

“The richness and diversity of events this year, to be enjoyed at home, online or outdoors, is a testament of the strength and resilience of this relationship”.

“I hope we can all take part and celebrate this Global Festival of Green, St. Patrick’s Day, together as we look forward to the day soon, when we can enjoy meeting in person - and travel to each other’s respective beautiful homes.”


NOTE for Editors

St. Patrick’s Day 17 March
Ireland’s national day, St. Patrick’s Day, takes place on 17 March, and is named after the fifth-century saint who introduced Christianity to Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day has been celebrated in Ireland for nearly 1,200 years, and in the United States for more than 250 years. Japan’s first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in Tokyo in 1992.

Schedule of Light-up events in Japan 2022
Every year, millions of people around the world join the parades and parties and wear green to celebrate this special day. In addition, iconic landmarks and buildings ‘go green’ for St. Patrick’s Day worldwide. In Japan, light-up events in March include the following sites.

1-17: Ise Ohtorii (Ise City, Mie Prefecture)
1-21: Karakoro Art Studio (Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture)
11-13: Matsue Castle, TSK San-in Chuo Television (Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture)
11-17, until 22:00: Cosmo Clock 21 (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
11-17, 18:00-20:00: Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
11-17, until 21:00: Tempozan Giant Ferris Wheel (Osaka City, Osaka), Fuji Sky View Ferris Wheel (Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture), Kisarapia Ferris Wheel (Kisarazu City, Chiba Prefecture)
12-20, sunset-22:00: Japanese Nursing Association Headquarters (Shibuya City, Tokyo)
12 and 17, 18:00-21:00: Kanagawa Prefecture Government Building (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
13-21, 17:00-20:00: Ishigami Museum of Art (Iwate Town, Iwate Prefecture)
16-18: Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Inc. Iwate branch, Power Pylon (Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture)
17-21, 18:00-21:00: Outdoor Sculpture ‘SUN’ (Fukuroi Station Square, North Exit), Tabata East Reservoir Park, Symbol Tree (Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture)
18-19, 17:30-21:00: Michi no Eki Engaru Mori no Okhotsk (Engaru Town, Hokkaido)
19, 18:00-20:00: Sapporo TV Tower (Sapporo City, Hokkaido)
26: Happiterrace (Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture)

More sites and monuments will go green in March. Exciting news still to come from Sapporo City and Fukuroi City.

Schedule of St. Patrick’s Day Events in Japan 2022
* Online streaming available

Late February-Late April: Ireland Fair (Kinokuniya, 3 stores in Tokyo and Osaka)
1-31 March: Ireland Fair in Fukuroi (Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture)
 Website: https://www.city.fukuroi.shizuoka.jp/kokusaika/HelloFriend/1576030491141.html
5-6 March: Stewhouse Live (Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture)
 Website: https://www.kyojin-company.com/
 Twitter: @KyojinStewhouse | Facebook: @kyojinStewhouse | Instagram: @kyojin.company
5 March - 10 April: The Irish Festival 2022 in Iwate Town (Iwate Town, Iwate Prefecture)
 Website: https://town.iwate.iwate.jp/town/kanko/irishfes2022iwate/?v=cat-kanko&w=event-info&x=event-march
6-15 March: Kumamoto Japan-Ireland Society Exhibition (Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture)
 Website: https://www.kumamoto-ireland.org/
7 March: Mihonoseki Live (Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture) *
 Website: https://www.kyojin-company.com/Events/mihonosekiirishlive
 Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/4VpkBcVoo
 Twitter: @KyojinStewhouse | Instagram: @kyojin.company
11 March: Concert for St. Patrick's Day - World of O'Carolan (Uchisaiwai Hall, Chiyoda City)
 Website: https://www.uchisaiwai-hall.jp/event/bunkasai-10/
12 March: The 16th St. Patrick's Day Parade Motomachi, Yokohama (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture)
 Twitter: @stpd_yokohama | Facebook: @StPatricksDayParadeYokohama
12 March, 9:00-21:00: Intercollegiate Celtic Festival (ICF) *
 Website: https://icf-shamrock.com/
 Twitter: @icf_shamrock | Facebook: @icfirish
12 & 17 March: St. Patrick’s Day in HIROSHIMA 2022 (Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture)
 Website: https://ameblo.jp/realta-nua-h/ | Twitter: @Realta_Nua_H
 Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/StPatricks-Day-in-Hiroshima-107820670765442/
13 March: Irish Festival in Matsue 2022 (Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture)
 Website: https://sanin-japan-ireland.org/
 Facebook: @irishfesmatsue, @micc.matsue | Instagram: @irishfesmatsue
17 March: Embassy of Ireland’s Virtual St. Patrick’s Day Reception *
 Website: https://www.ireland.ie/japan
17 March: St. Patrick’s Day Poems & Music on Irish Harp (Sapporo Clock Tower Hall, Sapporo City, Hokkaido)
 Website: http://yuriya.main.jp/index2.html
17 March, 18:30-: St. Patrick's Day Irish Session (Skipper's Beer Pub, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture)
 Website: https://irishinokayama.jimdofree.com
18-19 March: Enirish Day 2022 (Engaru Town, Hokkaido)
   Website: https://engaru.jp/topic/page.php?id=665
19 March: St.Patrick'sDay In SAPPORO 2022 (Sapporo City, Hokkaido)
 Twitter: @sapporo_patrick | Facebook: @St.PatricksDayinSAPPORO | Instagram: @sapporo_patrick
20 March: Suzuyo St. Patrick’s Green Cup (Fukuroi City, Shizuoka Prefecture)
 Website: https://www.rugby-shizuoka.jp/ (available from early March)
21 March, 13:30-16:00: St. Patrick's Ceili (Samurai Hall, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture)
26 March, 14:00-16:00: Japan-Ireland Society St. Patrick’s Day Gathering 2022 *
 Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/374947057966041/
26 March: Fukui Patrick’s Day 2022 (Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture)
 Website: https://site-1216490-6793-6880.mystrikingly.com/
 Twitter: @paddysdayfukui | Facebook: @fukuipatricksday | Instagram: @fukuipatricksday
29-30 April: Ireland Green Fest. Meijo-Koen tonarino 2022 (Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)
 Website: http://tonarino-park.jp/

Related Websites
Embassy of Ireland, Japan
 Website: https://www.dfa.ie/japan
 Twitter: @IrishEmbJapan | Facebook @irelandinjapan | Instagram @irelandinjapan
 Virtual St. Patrick’s Day Reception: https://www.ireland.ie/japan

Irish Network Japan (INJ)
INJ is a Japanese-Irish volunteer group promoting Irish culture in Japan, among their flagship events is the Tokyo St. Patrick’s Day Parade, the oldest and largest parade in Asia. Although the Tokyo parade will not take place this year due to the pandemic, keep an eye on INJ’s website for information about exciting events planned this year.
 Website: https://www.inj.or.jp | Twitter: @injwebsite
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inj.nihongo
 YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/IrishNetworkJapan

St. Patrick’s Festival
Ireland’s major, annual St. Patrick’s Festival will take place in Dublin on 16-20 March and the National St. Patrick's Day Parade returns to Dublin on 17 March. 'Connections/Naisc' is the theme of this year's St. Patrick's Festival, a call to the global Irish to connect through the arts, culture and heritage.
Website: https://stpatricksfestival.ie/




世界的に流行する感染症の影響を考慮しながら、在日アイルランド人およびアイルランドの友人である日本の方々により、札幌から熊本まで、皆で楽しめるセント・パトリックス・デー関連イベントが開催されます。また、本年も多くの建物やモニュメントがアイルランド政府観光庁の推進する「グローバル・グリーニング」(グリーン・ライトアップ)キャンペーンに参加します。代表的なものとしては、国宝 松江城(島根県)、伊勢大鳥居(三重県)、コスモクロック21(神奈川県)、天保山大観覧車(大阪府)、ハピテラス(福井県)が挙げられます。






■セント・パトリックス・デー(3 月17 日)
アイルランドのナショナルデーで、5 世紀にアイルランドへキリスト教を伝えた聖パトリックにちなんだ祭日。アイルランドでは1200年以上にわたって祝われており、アメリカでも250年以上の歴史があります。日本では1992年に初めて「セントパトリックスデーパレード東京」が行われました。


3月11日(金)~13日(日):松江城TSKさんいん中央テレビ TVタワー(島根県松江市)
3月11日(金)~17日(木)21時まで:木更津かんらんしゃパーク キサラピア 大観覧車(千葉県木更津市)、大観覧車 フジスカイビュー(静岡県富士市)、天保山大観覧車(大阪府大阪市)
3月16日(水)~18日(金):東北電力ネットワーク株式会社 岩手支社 マイクロ波無線鉄塔(岩手県盛岡市)
3月17日(木)~21日(月・祝)18時~21時:野外彫刻「燦 SUN 」(袋井駅前広場(北口))、田端東遊水池公園シンボルツリー(静岡県袋井市)
3月18日(金)・19日(土)17時30分~21時:道の駅遠軽 森のオホーツク(北海道紋別郡遠軽町)

■2022年、セント・パトリックス・デー関連イベントスケジュール(* オンライン配信あり)
3月1日(火)~31日(木):アイルランドフェア in ふくろい(静岡県袋井市)
3月5日(土)~6日(日):シチューハウスライブ(島根県松江市、巨人のシチューハウス 松江店)
 Twitter: @KyojinStewhouse | Facebook: @kyojinStewhouse | Instagram: @kyojin.company
3月5日(土)~4月10日(日):アイリッシュフェスティバル2022 in 岩手町(岩手県岩手郡岩手町)
 Twitter: @KyojinStewhouse | Facebook: @kyojinStewhouse | Instagram: @kyojin.company
 Twitter: @stpd_yokohama | Facebook: @StPatricksDayParadeYokohama
3月12日(土)9時~21時: Intercollegiate Celtic Festival (ICF) *
 Twitter: @icf_shamrock | Facebook: @icfirish
3月12日(土)・17日(木):St. Patrick’s Day in HIROSHIMA 2022(広島県広島市)
 ウェブサイト: https://ameblo.jp/realta-nua-h/
 Twitter: @Realta_Nua_H
 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StPatricks-Day-in-Hiroshima-107820670765442/
3月13日(日):アイリッシュ・フェスティバル in Matsue 2022(島根県松江市)
 Facebook: @irishfesmatsue, @micc.matsue | Instagram: @irishfesmatsue
3月17日(木)18時~:アイルランド大使館 バーチャル・セント・パトリックス・デー・レセプション *
3月19日(土):St.Patrick'sDay In SAPPORO 2022(北海道札幌市)
 Twitter: @sapporo_patrick | Facebook: @St.PatricksDayinSAPPORO | Instagram: @sapporo_patrick
3月26日(土)14時~16時:日本アイルランド協会 St. Patrick’s Dayの集い2022 *
 Twitter: @paddysdayfukui | Facebook: @fukuipatricksday | Instagram: @fukuipatricksday
4月29日(金)~30日(土):アイルランドグリーンフェスin 名城公園 tonarino 2022(愛知県名古屋市)

 Twitter: @IrishEmbJapan | Facebook: @irelandinjapan | Instagram: @irelandinjapan
 バーチャル・セント・パトリックス・デー・レセプション 配信サイト:https://www.ireland.ie/japan

 ウェブサイト:https://www.inj.or.jp/ | YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/IrishNetworkJapan
 Twitter: @injwebsite | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/inj.nihongo

