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Rural Livelihoods Programme Manager

Job Description

1. Introduction

Irish Aid is the Irish Government's programme for overseas development and is an integral part of Ireland's foreign policy; in Tanzania, the Irish Aid programme is managed by the Embassy of Ireland. The Embassy works with the Government of Tanzania, UN agencies, international research institutions, civil society organisations and other development partners to deliver on our overall goal of inclusive growth and reduced poverty and vulnerability in Tanzania.

The programme is guided by a five year Mission Strategy 2017-21 which is aligned with the Tanzanian Five Year Development Plan 2. A key outcome area in our strategy is to ensure poor households increase their income and consumption and secure access to productive resources with a focus on ensuring public programmes better support poor people, particularly women, to increase their resilience and generate more sustainable livelihoods. We will focus on support for the effective implementation of relevant public policies in agriculture and on a market systems approach that provides markets for and adds value to products produced by poor people.

Across all our work we take account of women's agency, women's economic empowerment, improved health and wellbeing outcomes for women and girls and the reduction in gender based violence. A commitment to research, monitoring and learning underpins our approach to programme implementation and delivery.

2. The Position

The Embassy is now seeking to recruit a highly motivated and experienced Rural Livelihoods Programme Manager to join its Team. The successful candidate will report to the Deputy Head of Development and work closely with other programme managers. The post holder will be responsible for the Embassy's engagement on agriculture policy and market systems development, for the management of partners and for technical advice and analysis for the design of a new programme aimed at supporting poor households to realise their right to a secure and resilient livelihood.

The primary duties and responsibilities of this post are:

Programme Development and Management

Support the strategy of building evidence for learning

Communications and advocacy

Coordination and Integration with other sectors in the mission strategy

Input into Irish Aid policies and strategies

3. Qualifications, skills and experience:

4. Performance management

The Embassy of Ireland operates a Performance Management Development System (PMDS) based on that used in the Irish Civil Service. Staff members agree, with their manager, goals, key tasks and targets aligned to an annual business plan. Performance is reviewed mid-year and at year-end. The PMDS also includes agreed on-going professional development actions.

5. Outline Terms and Conditions

6. Application

Interested candidates should request an application form by e-mail to DESrecuitment[at]dfa[dot]ie.

Applicants should submit (i) a completed application form; (ii) a cover letter outlining their suitability for this post and their interests / motivations in working for Irish Aid / The Embassy of Ireland and (iii) a current Curriculum Vitae with a list of referees including current manager to DESrecuitment[at]dfa[dot]ie by 15th May 2017.

By submitting information electronically, parties accept that data may not be fully secure.

Parties may alternatively deliver their applications to the Embassy of Ireland by hand or by courier to: Embassy of Ireland, 353 Toure Drive, Masaki. P O Box 9612, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. Envelopes should be clearly marked "Application for the Rural Livelihoods Programme Manager position.

Any personal information submitted to us will only be used for its intended purposes and will be destroyed when no longer needed. Any other processing or disclosure of personal data is not allowed other than in the exceptional circumstances provided for under the Data Protection Acts.