Ulysses100 Literature Competition 2022
23 March 2022
This year marks the centenary of James Joyce’s Ulysses, the defining literary monument of the 20th century, and the single most influential Irish artwork ever produced. To mark the anniversary of this masterpiece, the Embassy of Ireland to Sweden is delighted to collaborate with Tourism Ireland to launch the Ulysses100 short story writing competition.
Entrants are invited to submit a short story (max 2,000 words) inspired by one of the main characters from James Joyce’s Ulysses (Molly, Stephen, Leopold), but your story must have a Swedish twist!
A panel of distinguished judges will read and reflect on all pieces and make a short list of five entries, each of whom will be in with a chance of winning the top prize of a trip to the Dublin International Literature Festival 2023. The winner will be announced at a prize-giving ceremony hosted by the Embassy, which will be held on International Translation Day on 30 September 2022. The winning story will also be published by Kátharsis Institut in its bi-annual anthology.
We are inviting entrants to submit their story via emailed Word document (Calibri, size 12, double spaced) to stockholmembassy@dfa.ie
Terms and Conditions
- Closing date for receipt of entry is 1 August 2022 at midnight CET. All entries received after this entry will be automatically disqualified.
- The maximum length of submission for the short story 2,000 words (does not include title), there is no minimum length. All genres are accepted (Crime, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, etc.).
- Entrants must be over 16 by the deadline and must have an address in Sweden to enter.
- Entries are made via email to stockholmembassy@dfa.ie please include Ulysses100 in the subject line.
- The story must be written exclusively for this competition. The idea must be the author’s own.
- Entries can be in either Swedish or English.
- Only one entry per person is permitted.
- Only the top five entrants will be selected to attend the prize-giving ceremony.
- The Embassy reserves the right to publish entrant excerpts of entries on social media channels. Authors will be given due acknowledgement.
- The decision of the judges will be final.