Rory O’Neill visits Stockholm for screening of “The Queen of Ireland”
24 July 2018
Ambassador Dympna Hayes addresses the audience at a screening of “The Queen of Ireland” in Stockholm
The Embassy of Ireland in Sweden was delighted to welcome Rory O’Neill (aka Panti Bliss) to Stockholm on 23 July for a showing of “The Queen of Ireland”, organised by the United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Embassy. The purpose of the screening was to highlight the issue of the human rights of members of the LGBTQI community in connection with the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Ambassador Dympna Hayes introduced the film and its star Rory O’Neill. Ambassador Hayes emphasised Ireland’s strong partnership with the UN and briefed the audience on recent developments in Ireland as well as on Ireland’s international human rights policy, which focuses on ensuring individuals’ human rights and non-discrimination, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity. “Our foreign policy approach, our aid programme and our international reputation provide a strong platform upon which to support vital human rights issues.”
In addition to Mr O’Neill, panellists included Tine Alavi, Managing Director of the “Newcomers Youth” project in Sweden, and Ulrika Westerlund, who is working on the Europride Human Rights conference taking place in both Stockholm and Gothenburg during this year’s festival.
Ambassador Hayes with Rory O’Neill