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Ireland-Mexico Human Rights Partnership Fund 2019

Ireland-Mexico Human Rights Partnership Fund 2019

The Embassy of Ireland in Mexico is pleased to announce an open call for applications to the Ireland-Mexico Human Rights Partnership Fund 2019. A total of €30,000 (approx. $640,000MXN) will be available across three funds to support local non-governmental organisations in carrying out small-scale development projects. The successful projects will address the root causes of poverty and injustice in a way that is strategic and cost effective.
Pursuant to Irish and EU priority areas and in line with Ireland’s most recent UN Universal Periodic Review recommendations to Mexico, the Embassy invites project applications under the following three headings:


Funding of €10,000 will be provided to one project or €5,000 for two projects with the objective of:
- tackling the issue of impunity at federal and/or local level
- Increasing/promoting access to justice (with a particular focus on the families of the disappeared)

2 Women, Peace and Security
Funding of €10,000 will be provided to one project or €5,000 for two projects with the objective of:
- Promoting/Advancing/Supporting women under the priorities of the UN Women Peace and Security Agenda
3 Human Rights Defenders and Journalists - Freedom of Expression
Funding of €10,000 will be provided to one project or €5,000 to two projects with the objective of:
- Promoting and protecting the rights of Human Rights Defenders
- Promoting and protecting the rights of Journalists

Application Process

A detailed note on Application Guidelines and eligibility is attached to this notice.
Eligible applicants should complete the relevant Application Form and submit to Brigid.Dolan@dfa.ie before 11pm (local time) on Sunday 7 July 2019.
Applicants will be notified of funding decisions via email. Applications should be made in English. To recieve the application form as word document applicants should email Brigid.Dolan@dfa.ie

Project Monitoring
The awarded organisations are responsible for their own project implementation and for monitoring the project throughout the course of the funding. Awarded organisations must submit a Final Narrative and Financial Report to the Embassy no later than one month after the end of the contract period.


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