Irish Friday Club - 07 February
22 January 2020
Irish Friday Club - 07 February 2020
The Irish Friday Club on
7 February heard from
Paul Duggan
CEO and Co-Founder of Makerspace People
The Irish Breakfast Club on 7 February heard from Makerspace People CEO, Paul Duggan who along with a group of industry professionals working internationally in the innovation sector, founded Makerspace People in 2018,
Makerspace People operates as a consultancy which can scope, build, create, equip, design, staff, plan, budget and manage the development of any makerspace or innovation platform from the ground up. Clients include the government sector (national ministries, state agencies, universities, city councils) and the private sector (tech companies, property and infrastructure developers, NGOs).
Alongside his colleagues, Paul recognised that innovation comes in all shapes and sizes as proven over the past decade which has seen tremendous growth in all manner of new products created by start-ups located in makerspaces around the world.
Previously the realm and reserve of geeks and hackers, Making has gone mainstream with the corporate world, universities and government seeing the potential of shared prototyping and manufacturing infrastructure.
Paul provided us with great insights of his work around the world and commented on the state of innovation in Ireland and Germany and indeed elsewhere.
In between his globetrotting travels fostering creativity and innovation with Makerspace People, Paul has been a sometimes resident of Berlin since 2007.