International Women’s Day 2019
12 March 2019
Staff from Ireland’s Permanent Mission to the UN celebrate International Women’s Day
On 8th March Irish embassies and consulates across the world marked International Women’s day 2019 with a series of events celebrating women’s achievements in working towards gender equality, while highlighting the need for sustained action on remaining areas of discrimination.
The UN’s theme for this International Women's Day was 'Think equal, build smart, innovate for change', and innovation for gender equality was the key underlying current of the day’s events.
In Iveagh House, Dublin, the Department of Foreign affairs and Trade hosted a celebration of the creativity of Irish women with an art exhibition and panel discussion with poets Moya Cannon, Rita Ann Higgins, and Paula Meehan.
Speaking at the UN International Women’s day event Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason, Irish Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Chair of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, said:
“Our future will become the past of other women. To ensure that this becomes a reality, we need to be trailblazers. For every step forward we take, there are some waiting to place a stone in our shoe. But we must not be afraid to push forward - to run.”