Global Irish Business Networks
05 July 2017
IEBN Networking Event
The Irish abroad have always sought, when possible, to work together in common causes, whether that be in welfare provision, cultural promotion or in sport. One of the areas where the Irish diaspora has been most successful is in business networking and across North America, Europe, the Gulf States, Asia and the Pacific region one can find a myriad of Irish business networks; large and small, formal and informal.
The largest of these like the Irish International Business Network, the Irish Network USA, Irish American Business Chamber & Network, Irish Business Network, Germany, Network Irlande or the Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce (to name but a very few), bring together hundreds of entrepreneurs and companies. There are however also a range of Irish business networks in more far flung places which are not only supporting Irish entrepreneurs but also supporting Irish culture and the wider Irish diaspora in their locality.
Trade and development in the Gulf States have resulted in a large increases in Irish business activity in the region with a commensurate increase in the number of Irish networks. The Abu Dhabi Irish Business Council, the Dubai Irish Business Network and the Qatar Irish Business Council all offer support networks and a busy programme of activities in support of Irish in the region.
Irish business networks also proliferated in quantity and size across Eastern Europe after the accession of many of these states into the European Union in 2004. Places like Estonia now have vibrant Irish business networks that also supports the local Irish diaspora in culture and heritage. Organisations like the Irish Estonian Business Network typify the work of networks of these sizes and in these smaller, but high potential, markets. A look at their recent monthly calendar of events would show a programme of 1916 commemorations, the launch of a major Irish drinks brand, presentations by the Irish pharmaceutical network… and of course - activities in support of growing GAA.
Business networks who serve small Irish populations, like in Estonia but elsewhere also, only do so through the support of tireless volunteers who run events, forge business links and raise money for local charities. In these small locales they are helping to build prosperous Irish communities and promote international trade with Ireland.