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Embassy of Ireland, People's Republic of China

Diplomatic and Consular Information for China

Embassy of Ireland
3 Ritan Dong Lu
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100600
People's Republic of China
Tel: +86 10 8531 6200
Fax: +86 10 6532 6857
Email: Submit your query
Website: www.dfa.ie/china
  • Ambassador: Dr Ann Derwin
  • Deputy Head of Mission: Mr Barry Mulligan
  • First Secretary (Trade, Science, Technology & Innovation): Mr Joseph Keating
  • First Secretary (Political, Press and Public Diplomacy): Ms Nancy Tuohy-Hamill
  • First Secretary (Agriculture): Mr Ger Fox
  • First Secretary (Economic, Investment & Finance): Mr Derek Lambe
  • Second Secretary (Political, Education): Ms Maureen Ryan
  • Second Secretary (Culture, Community, Consular): Mr Ciarán James Breen
  • Higher Executive Officer (Administration): Mr Fergus Scott
  • Executive Officer (Administration, Consular): Ms Tara Smith
  • Ambassador's PA: Ms Marianne Calthrop
Embassy of Ireland , Visa Office
Ta Yuan Diplomatic Office Building 2-11-1
14 Liang Ma He Nan Lu
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100600
People's Republic of China
Tel: +86 10 6532 6945 / +86 10 6532 6971 / +86 10 6532 6972 / +86 10 6532 6973
Fax: +86 10 6532 6956
Email: For Email contact details
Website: www.dfa.ie/china
  • Head of Visa Office: Ms Hazel Collier
  • Visa Officer: Ms Leanne Quinn
  • Visa Officer: Ms Lisa Lawless
  • Visa Officer: Ms Tara O'Sullivan
  • Visa Officer: Mr Jonathan McCabe
Consulate General of Ireland Shanghai
Ireland House
Unit 903, JC Plaza,
1225 Nanjing Road West,
Shanghai 200040, China

Tel: 00 86 21 6010 1360

Email: Submit your query
Website: www.dfa.ie/shanghai

Consul General: Ms. Wendy Dorman-Smith

Deputy Consul General: Mr. Alan Ralph

Consular and Visa Officer: Mr. Michael O'Brien


Hong Kong Consulate General

20/F, 33 Des Voeux Road,
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2535 0700 
Fax: (852) 2528 9330

Website: www.dfa.ie/hong-kong/
E-mail: Submit your query
Consul General: Ms Jennifer Bourke
Deputy Consul General:  Ms Katrina Devine
Vice Consul: Mr Robert Murphy