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Data Privacy Notice for Accredition Solutions

Information specific to the personal data being collected and processed for vetting and accreditation of events organised by the Department of Foreign Affairs.

1.         Specified purpose:

The data collected is used for the purpose of performing security vetting and providing accreditation to press members requesting to attend specified media events organised by the Department of Foreign Affairs.

2.         What personal data do we collect:

The personal data collected from individuals (press members) includes:

-          Organisation accredited by

-          Email Address

-          Phone Number

-          Name of Individual

-          Home Address

This data is provided to An Garda Síochána (where necessary), to enable it to carry out the security vetting and verification process.

3.         Sources of the data collected:

The data processed is received directly from the press member(s) seeking approval to attend a specified media events organised by the Department. The necessary outcome data is received from An Garda Síochána on security vetting and verification processes.

4.       Lawful basis:

The Department has identified Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR as a lawful basis to process this data insofar as it is in the public interest that events hosted by the Department can be securely reported on by the media.

The Department has also identified a legitimate interest under Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR for the processing of personal data in this instance, in order to demonstrate accountability and transparency as a Department in its activities. When hosting of large events, it is important that the media be able to attend to report to the public on such events. However, it is also necessary to ensure that press attendees are properly vetted.

In accordance with Article 6(1(f), the Department has balanced its legitimate interest in ensuring that, as a media member, you are vetted and accredited before attending such an event against your interests, rights, and freedoms. As part of this process, the Department will engage with you and accept an application to be accredited that is only valid for the specific event to which you are requesting to attend. Any disclosure of the personal data is limited to what is necessary and proportionate to ensure that appropriate vetting can be carried out so as to ensure that any such events are held in a safe and secure manner.

5.       Recipients: 

The information received is shared with An Garda Síochána (where advised), in order to complete verification and vetting of media accreditation applications.

6.       Transferred outside the EU: 

This data is not transferred outside the EU.

7.       Retention Period:

The Department will not hold your personal data for longer than is necessary. The data collected will be held securely by the Department for as long as there is a business need to do so, in line with the purpose for which it was collected and in compliance with the Department’s obligations under the National Archives Act 1986 (as amended). 

8.       Data provision being statutory or contractual obligation:


9.       Automated Decision-Making: 

No automated decision-making takes place in relation to this data.

Should you wish to make a request or a complaint in relation to how your data is processed, or to find out more about your data protection rights, please refer to the Department’s general privacy notice found here.

Updated: October 2023